No Right Click
With An Email Form

T his is a unique way to have a "No Right Click" with a twist to it. Besides a message popping up, an email form that actually does work also pops up requesting you to submit to having your source code mailed to them. Very different and cool. We have also preset a subject and body text requesting the source code. When the person reads the preset message, they may get the hint not to "Borrow" your Copyright© images and or documents.

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6 and Netscape4.08. This script worked well in all platforms tested with no variations observed.

D epending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts, this is an easy, two part script that is inserted into the <HEAD> section and <BODY> section of your document. The only reconfigurations are in the beginning of the <BODY> section that are shown below.

<div id="orderwindow"
<form action="mailto:Your Email Address?subject=I Want To Steal Your Copyright© Images&Body=Your website is really cool. Please email me your source code. I can't right click on your images or view your source code. I want to steal your Copyright© graphics without permission and use them on my page as though they were mine.
<table width=300 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=1>

O n a final note pertaining to the placement of the <BODY> section of this script. Place it all the way at the bottom of your document just above your closing </BODY> tag. Also be sure to close your </div> after your closing <FORM> tag. See the below example.

value="close window" onClick="closewindow()"></font></td>


T hat is all there is to having this script added to your pages. If you would like to add this effect to your pages, just follow the below link. If you have any trouble with this, feel free to contact us.
Get Code Here ]

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