Help ImageUse Of Notepad For .js Scripts

Note Of Importance Note of Importance ~ In reference to the external JavaScript file that needs to be copied and pasted into a "Notepad" and uploaded into your editor, remember this:

O nce you need to paste and "Save As", you should use a notepad. If you have a Notepad replacement and not using the Microsoft® Notepad, this will not work. You Need To Save it with the Microsoft® Notepad. Reason being is quite simple. Not everyone is using the notepad replacement you are. And by uploading it in the replacement, not all systems will be able to read the external Javascript. The notepad replacement is software that is installed on the individual system (computer). Not all systems will have the installed software for the replacement notepad you may be using. (it is a good bet though that just about every system does have the Microsoft® Notepad). This means your system will not be able to read it and the effect will not work.

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