Today is . Page created 10/04/04, updated 04/06/07

Valid HTML Page Valid HTML-XHTML Page Generator Generator

T his HTML & XHTML Page Generator was developed because it is tedious to create page structures
(DOC TYPE declarations, head elements, body tag inclusions, etc.) that conform exactly to pesky validation requirements. This interface creates numerous HTML and XHTML page structures that do just that. It also creates 17 different frameset configuration codes.

Valid HTML ~ XHTML Page Generator ]

W e have tested the code in IE6.0, Firefox0.9.1, Firefox1.5.0.1, Opera7.54, Opera8.52, Netscape7.02, AOL Explorer1.2 and Netscape8.0.4. This script worked well in all platforms with the exception of Opera7.54 where it will "Not" work correctly* if you select one of the two frameset options.

  1.     When you select the "Make The Page" button and the textarea form box updates with the HTML codes, the graphic with the 17 different frameset configurations does not appear. Instead the alt tag text ("A veritable panoply of a myriad of framesets.") appears.

  2.     The image map links are still clickable, just not visible for you to see which frameset configuration you want added into the generated code.

  3.     These variations do not effect the script in any way.

  4.     *   We have designed a work around for this by adding a pop up window on the generator page to reference the graphic. This does not alter the selecting the non-showing graphic to generate the frameset part of the generated code. Click the below link to see how we did this.
    Work-a-Round ]

I f you want, you can just bookmark this generator or you can add the Page Generator into your pages.

D epending on your knowledge of HTML and java script, this is a one step copy and paste as a complete HTML document and Upload An Image ] into the same directory* as the generator will be.

*    The way the script is configured, the image is located in the main directory (as is this generator. We had to reconfigure the path of our uploaded image to reflect our path to the image.
Note:    There are two places within the <BODY> section that you will see where the image is located.
See the below examples:

First Default Section Of Code

<div id="hFrame" style="position: absolute; left: 315px; top: 45px; width:285px; visibility: hidden;">

<fieldset style="width:270">
<legend>HTML Framesets</legend>

<img src="frames.jpg" usemap="#hFrames" width="251" height="119" border="0" alt= "A veritable panoply of a myriad of framesets.">

<map name="hFrames">

Second Default Section Of Code


<div id="xFrame" style="position: absolute; left: 315px; top: 45px; width:285px; visibility: hidden;">

<fieldset style="width:270">
<legend>XHTML Framesets</legend>

<img src="frames.jpg" usemap="#xFrames" width="251" height="119" border="0" alt= "A veritable panoply of a myriad of framesets.">

<map name="xFrames">

First Reconfigured Section Of Code

<div id="hFrame" style="position: absolute; left: 315px; top: 45px; width:285px; visibility: hidden;">

<fieldset style="width:270">
<legend>HTML Framesets</legend>

<img src="images/frames.jpg" usemap="#hFrames" width="251" height="119" border="0" alt= "A veritable panoply of a myriad of framesets.">

<map name="hFrames">

Second Reconfigured Section Of Code


<div id="xFrame" style="position: absolute; left: 315px; top: 45px; width:285px; visibility: hidden;">

<fieldset style="width:270">
<legend>XHTML Framesets</legend>

<img src="images/frames.jpg" usemap="#xFrames" width="251" height="119" border="0" alt= "A veritable panoply of a myriad of framesets.">

<map name="xFrames">

For Your Information For your Information:     If you will notice in our reconfigured sections of code, we have reflected that the uploaded image is in our images/ directory.

T his image that appears has 17 little pictures of different frameset designs within the one image. Each picture is configured as part of anImage Map ] with coordinates to define the locations of each little picture. See the below example.

<map name="hFrames">
    <area shape="rect" href="#" OnClick="javascript:f17()" coords="174,81, 216,117" alt="Baba">

Warning Logo     Note Of Importance:     "Do Not" change any of the numbers!

On A Final Note     The last thing we will cover is the use of alt=" " tags within the code. They are left blank by default except for the first one that the author decided to call "Baba" for whatever reason. These alt tags (on mouseover) can be very helpful to people not really that familiar with what the little graphic links do. Just put for example in the alt tag something like alt="This Image Will Generate This Frameset Code". See the below example:

<img src="frames.jpg" usemap="#xFrames" width="251" height="119" border="0" alt= "A veritable panoply of a myriad of framesets.">

<map name="xFrames">
    <area shape="rect" href="#" OnClick="javascript:fx17()" coords="174,81, 216,117" alt="Baba">
    <area shape="rect" href="#" OnClick="javascript:fx16()" coords="127,79, 171,116" alt=" ">
    <area shape="rect" href="#" OnClick="javascript:fx15()" coords="84,79, 125,116" alt=" ">

Warning Logo     Note Of Importance:     Remember, there are 34 places in the code where these possible reconfigurations need to be done. These changes in the code are located within the <BODY> section of the code and they are all right next to each other so you do not need to search endlessly for all the places this can be done.

W e hope our tutorial was easy to follow and we covered everything in detail. If you would like to add this effect into your pages, grab the respective below link and you are there. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, contact us ].
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