Today is . Page created 01/27/04, updated 04/11/06
op-it allows you to associate a dynamic menu with regular links on your page. As the mouse moves over the link in question, a menu pops up containing "sub links".
Think of it as a "loose"
drop down menu ]
T his is a great script for expanding links on your page with a 2nd level. The menu intelligently re-positions itself depending on how close it is to the edge of the browser window, so it's always in full view.
W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6.0, Netscape4.08, Netscape7.02, Netscape8.0.4, Firefox1.5.0.1, Opera7.23, Opera8.54 and AOL Explorer1.2. This script worked well in all platforms tested with variations observed in Netscape4.08, Netscape8.0.4, Opera7.23 and Opera8.54.
- 1) In Netscape4.08 the effect can be seen except that it does not adhere to the defined colors. We have it as a black pop-up window with white font and it appears as white with white font. In other words, you cannot see the link color.
- 2) In Netscape8.0.4 you can see the effect but when you click on a link, nothing happens ~ So it does not work.
- 3) In Opera7.23 the effect can be seen but when you place your cursor on the subjects, nothing happens. In other words, it does not work.
- 4) In Opera8.54 the effect can be seen but when you place your cursor on the subjects, nothing happens. In other words, it does not work.
- 5) These variations degrade well and you will not get any error messages.
Customizing the menu is a fairly easy process:
Edit array "linkset[]" inside code of Step 1 ( <HEAD> Section Of Code )
to specify the menu sets and their links. Then, change the <A> tags of code of Step 2 ( <BODY> Section Of Code )
so the desired menu (ie: linkset[0]) is associated with the link. You can also modify the pop-it menu's colors, by meddling with the Style Sheet of Step 1. ( <HEAD> Section Of Code )
he first thing we will cover is in Step 1 in the <HEAD> section covering the "Style Sheet". ( That refers to the above #3.
You can configure it to have the look and feel of the menu on the
[ microsoft update page ] like we have.
If you would like to see how the default menu effect looks, (without any reconfigurations) grab the below link and you are there.
[ Default Menu Effect ]
S ince this is a lengthy tutorial, we will do it on a [ Separate Page ]
e hope our tutorial was easy to follow and we covered everything in detail. If you would like to add this effect into your pages, grab the respective below link and you are there. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our [ FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, [ contact us ].
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