Pop Up Ticker Tutorial

G lad to see you made it here for the tutorial on how to reconfigure the script. First you will see a partial example of the "Default" code and then show you the reconfigurations on it. Due to copyright laws I can't put the entire script here but you don't need it to do your reconfigurations.

Default <HEAD> Section

<script language=javaScript>
<!-- Beginning of JavaScript -

// PopupTicker describing all your links onmouseover by Urs Dudli and Peter Gehrig
// Copyright (c) 2000 Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli. All rights reserved.
// Permission given to use the script provided that this notice remains as is.
// Additional scripts can be found at http://www.24fun.com.
// info@24fun.ch
// 8/1/2000

// If you add this script to a script-library or a script-archive
// you have to insert a link to http://www.24fun.com right into the webpage where the
// will be displayed.

// Go to http://www.24fun.com, open category 'text' and download the ZIP-file of this
// containing the the script-file with step-by-step instructions for easy configuration.

var tickerwidth=120
var tickerheight=100
var tickerpadding=5
var borderwidth=2
var fnt="Verdana"
var fntsize=8
var fntsizelastletter=8
var fntcolor="008800"
var fntcolorlastletter="00AA00"
var fntweight=3
var backgroundcolor="CCFFCC"
var standstill=2000
var speed=40
var xdistance=50
var ydistance=20
var timer
var topposition=0
var leftposition=0
var x,y
var i_substring=0
var i_presubstring=0
var i_message=0
var message
var messagecontent=""
var messagebackground=""
var messagepresubstring=""
var messageaftersubstring=""

Default <BODY> Section


<body bgcolor=#FFFFFF>

<DIV ID="tickerbg" style="position:absolute;"></DIV>
<DIV ID="ticker" style="position:absolute;"></DIV>

<font size=1 face=Verdana>>b<Move your cursover over the red textlinks below to the test the pop-up-scroller:<br>
<a href="http://service.bfast.com/bfast/click?
" onMouseOver="showmessage('Download a free html toolbox from SiteTools.net.')" onMouseOut="hideticker()"
target="_blank"><font color=red>FREE TOOLBOX</font></a>  |

<a href="http://www.commission-junction.com/track/track.dll?
" onMouseOver="showmessage('Free Web-based company e-mail, storage, calendars and scheduling. No server necessary.')" onMouseOut="hideticker()"
target="_blank"><font color=red>FREE EMAIL</font></a>  |

<a href="http://service.bfast.com/bfast/click?
" onMouseOver="showmessage('Link to an
expert who can tell you all about JavaScript. FREE from www.about.com.
')" onMouseOut="hideticker()"
target="_blank"><font color=red>FREE JAVASCRIPT TRICKS</a></font>
&l;t/b><br><br> ,/font>

Reconfigured <HEAD> Section

var tickerwidth=120
var tickerheight=120
var tickerpadding=5
var borderwidth=2
var fnt="Georgia"
var fntsize=8
var fntsizelastletter=8
var fntcolor="FFFF00"
var fntcolorlastletter="FF6600"
var fntweight=3
var backgroundcolor="000000"
var standstill=2000
var speed=40
var xdistance=50
var ydistance=20
var timer
var topposition=0
var leftposition=0
var x,y
var i_substring=0
var i_presubstring=0
var i_message=0
var message
var messagecontent=""
var messagebackground=""
var messagepresubstring=""
var messageaftersubstring=""

Reconfigured Partial<BODY> Section

[<a href="https://www.angelfire.com/ny5/consigliere/navigation.html" onMouseOver="showmessage('Go to our navigation page to see all this site has to offer.')" onMouseOut="hideticker()"
target="_blank">Navigation</font></a> ]

<a href="http://www.24fun.com" onMouseOver="showmessage('Open category \'text\' and download the ZIP-file of this script with the the script-file & step-by-step instructions.')" onMouseOut="hideticker()"target="_blank">Configurations</a></font>

I f you have noticed on the "Default" code that there are a few things missing from a complete HTML page. For instance there is no complete body background tag that you also need to have. This looks like this and is placed just after the closing </HEAD> tag.

Y ou will also notice on the reconfigured code that the attribute <font color=red> is also missing. This is because we added the complete "Body" background tag and do not need this attribute to change the color of the link. Another configuration you can either leave as is or delete is the attribute target="_blank". All this tag does is allow you to open the link in a new window opposed to opening in the same window.

<BODY bgcolor="#000000" text="#ffffff" link="#ffCC00" alink="#ffA500" vlink="#ffCC00">

T his is what the "default" code looks like in the original script.

<body bgcolor=#FFFFFF>

I f you also notice on the preceding page the example is set up two ways as opposed to the "Default" which is set up only one way with three (3) links next to each other. This is basically to show that you can add or subtract as many links as you want and can have them either side by side or on top on one another. To have them side by side all you need to do is leave the default as is and add or subtract links as you need.,/font>

J ust be sure that the bottom link is always on the bottom because of the added </b><br><br> that is there. We also deleted the | and replaced it in between each link with
[ in front and behind each code link ] with no <br> tag in between each link. If you want the links one on top of each other just add a <br> in between each code link in substitution of the[  ].

A lso you can add an image to replace the text link. Just see below to see where the reconfiguration is for an image. Also, if you notice we did not include within the image tag an alt="Your Text Here" tag in the image tag. The reason is quite simple. The "alt tag" is in direct conflict with the opening up ticker box and it would not work properly. In other words the "alt tag" is actually a mouseover that tells you the name of the image. Two mouseovers cannot function together on the same image and link.

<a href="https://www.angelfire.com/ny5/consigliere/popuptutorial.html" onMouseOver="showmessage('And to answer your question, Yes, you can add an image to replace the text link.')" onMouseOut="hideticker()"
target="_blank"><img src="https://www.angelfire.com/ny5/consigliere/testbutton.jpg"border=0></font></a>

N ow to address the last possible thing that may or may not happen in this script. It is the use of the   '   that you may or may not use within the writing your text within the script itself. For example The Consigliere's or anything such as that. If you do not write it this way, The Consigliere\'s you will get an error on the page. The reason for his is that this script uses the  '   within the script and it is confusing the script by seeing an extra one that does not belong.

Copyright © Consigliere Ltd., All Rights Reserved. 2001-