T he below letter was forwarded to me by someone that asks a very decisive question. At the bottom of this page there will be an email form you can send this to all the people you know. Including the law makers and politicians to see how they react to this.
Just One Question
NOW that the President has called us to prayer.....
NOW that Congress has called us to prayer.....
NOW that our Governor has called us to prayer....
NOW that the City Mayor has called us to prayer....
NOW that the "liberal" media and most other
branches of our American society
have called us to prayer.....
AND NOW that our churches are assembling in
special prayer....
Then, "Honorable" Justices of the Supreme Court,
I have only one question..
ype in as many addresses as you want, leave no spaces and place a comma in between each address. If you are reading this letter from your email, you can either use the below form or just forward the original email.
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