Y ou must disable all your pop up blockers in order to view this effect.
Once you do, then [ Reload ] this page and the effect can be seen.
T his is a very cool and also practical pop-up window. Besides the fact that after a configured time in seconds it will close. You also have the option of setting your own quotes that will pop-up in an undetermined order, never knowing which quote will pop-up next.
W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6, Netscape4.08 and Netscape7.0. This script worked well in all platforms with the exception of Netscape7.0 where the following variation(s) were observed.
1) When the page loads and the message pops up, you have scroll bars that you can scroll down and see more than one random quote.
2) Even by adding the attribute of scrollbars=no (See #4) into the reconfigurations, it does not have any effect and you still have scrollbars.
3) Other than having the scrolling capability, it does not hamper the pop up window in any way.
4) config='toolbar=no,location=no, scrollbars=no, directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,
epending on your knowledge of HTML and Java script, this is a one step copy and paste code into the <BODY> section of your document. If you want to you can leave the default quotes on there and that means no reconfiguring of anything other than the window size, font color etc. If you want to change to your own personal quotes you will see exactly where in the code to reconfigure it. If you would like this effect on your page just follow the below link and go get it. If you have any problems feel free to contact us. Below are the reconfigurations you can make to the window itself and we will also show you where to replace the default quotes with your own.
[ Get Code Here ]
Areas That Can Be Reconfigured
ctually the only reconfigurations above you need be concerned with are the
Height and Width of the pop up window. This below section is to configure the time before closing, background color and font color and the Title above the quotes.
his last portion of the script is to configure different quotes other than the default
if (generateRandomNumber()=="1")
{output.document.write('Its better to regret something you did, than something you
didn\'t do. ~The Consigliere™');
if (generateRandomNumber()=="2")
{output.document.write('Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us
could not succeed. ~Mark Twain');
T here are two special characters used within this script that you need to be aware of in the above section. They are the ~ and the \'.
~ This is used but not necessary to separate the quote from the person who said it.
\' Since this script makes use of the apostrophe (\') through out, if you would add an extra one without doing as in this example (see number 1 quote) you would get an error to pop up.
Error" Expected 'j' would be the error message received.
T hats about all the configurations that need to be explained to make this work on your pages. Any problems, feel free to contact us.
elect the below link and your default email will appear for you to fill out and send this page to your friends.
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