Put An Internal Search Engine
On Your Site

H ave you ever noticed all the cool sites out there that have an internal search engine on their site and could not figure out how they do it. Actually it is easier than you think. Most of these sites probably get the search engine the same way we did. By using the capabilities of a Generator to make the customized code for their site. You input all the information you want and then it makes your "copy & paste" code for you to put in your document If you would like to put a search engine like this on your site just go to this link and have fun generating your own code. If you have any trouble with this feel free to contact me and I can walk you through this.The only drawback I have found with this search engine is that you can't change the colors of the page. You can change the colors of it if you want to update the search engine for a nominal fee. By updating I really mean instead of having the capabilities of indexing 8 pages you can index as many as you want. This is a manual search engine that does require you to input the pages you want to index and it is not done by robots or spiders. If you require an internal search engine that does use robots and spiders, then go to the below address and get a free account so your site can be indexed by spiders.
Index By Spiders ]

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