Midi Player Amplifier
2.02 Read Me

B efore you go and check out this really exceptional Midi Amp, we would appreciate you reading our introduction first. If you don't want to, just go to the below link and go right to it.

T his is one of the best midi players The Consigliere™ has ever come across. We give the author two thumbs up on this script. This amp is like one you would download from the net, yet it is not. It is an extremely unique type of player that if you are:

*".......familiar with Winamp (one of the best mp3 players) will find all features immediately....."* (See footnote below)

I f not don't worry, everything on it has "alt" tags built in so that all you need to do is place your cursor on just about anything on the player and it will tell you exactly what the function is for.

T he next page has the player and four (4) links, nothing else. We highly recomend you take advantage of all the links to read about the player. So now that we got that over with, click on the below link and check it out. If by chance you do have any problems with it feel free to contact us.

*This is a partial quote from the [ author ]  of the script which is included in the read me text of the "ZIP" file you need to download for this midi amp.
See Amplifier Here ]

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