O ccasionally, you may wish to have a redirect page that pauses for a few seconds before sending the visitor off to the destination. For example, there may be important text on the redirect page you wish the visitor to get a chance to read, or a banner ad to see before proceeding. This redirect script understands that, and pauses for any given seconds before navigating to the target page!
W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6, Netscape4.08 and Netscape7.0. This script worked well in all platforms tested with no variations observed.
ost people are curious by nature. So on a page such as this that will be redirected*, tell them where and why they are being redirected. Be polite and professional. It says alot about your work and the level of professionalism your site projects. If you grab the below link, you can see how we use one of our working examples on our off line pages.
Redirect Example ]
* Always set the time to allow the person on the redirection page enough time to read the message you have posted.
+ You may be a fast reader, but not everyone reads at the same pace.
+ Set the transition time accordingly to allow a slower reader the courtesy of finishing what you want them to read.
+ Nothing is more annoying than to start reading something and have the page be redirected before you finish.
+ Also be sure there is a link on the page that if the redirection script does not work, will give your guest the option of selecting the link to get where you intended them to go.
D epending on your knowledge of HTML and Java scripts this is an easy one step copy and paste code that you will save in your editor as a separate HTML document.
T he only problem with saving the code as a complete HTML document is that the site you get the script from does not have the code as a complete HTML document.
T he only instructions from the script site are:
W hat you need to do is....
I n other words, you will build a page just for this code to be on. All this page will do is give you a transition or "Splash" page* for a preset (You can configure) number of seconds and then direct you to the page you want your guests to see. As with any page you need to set the background color, font, font size etc. You will not need to put any links* on this page itself but a complete <BODY> tag (see above) have all the attributes included.
* See also [ Pre-Load Images ] for "Splash Page"
* It is a good idea to place one link on the page just in case the script fails to redirect. The link would be to the page that it would automatically transition to.
B elow are just a few examples of a single link on the page. We have deactivated the below links for this example.
I n all actuality, there are only four (4) reconfigurations to be made within this script.
Top Of Code
<form name="redirect">
<font face="Arial"><b>You will be redirected to the script in<br><br>
<input type="text" size="3" name="redirect2">
<!------ End the above ------> |
Further Down The Code
//change below target URL to your own
var targetURL="Your URL to target page"
//change the second to start counting down from
var countdownfrom=10
B elow we will explain the above two (2) reconfigurations.
O n a few last minute notes. There are two (2) other reconfigurations that can be made.
f you would like to add this effect to your pages, just grab the below link and you are there. If you have any problems with this feel free to contact us.
[ Get Code Here ]
e have one more option you can incorporate in this count down redirect script. If you grab the below link, it will take you to a page that after it opens, select the link for "Open Animated Window For Instructions". When you do, you will see we incorporated this countdown script into the animated window redirection.
[ Animated Window With Countdown Redirection ]
V ery simply, in the animated window script, you do just like you would on this redirection script and build a page the animated window would link to with this count down script on it and then redirect it from the open animated window.
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