T he reason we are asking you to read this before you start to browse the photo history is to ask for your assistance.
W hat we request is that if anyone who reads this has any photographs of the "late" Jimmy Hoffa we would really appreciate you contacting us.
A ny and all photographs you send us must be able to be documented as for the source and authenticity.
A ny photographs you send to us should be sent as an attachment with your email. Once the photographs are verified we will personally send you back a message of thanks for your help.
B e assured that any and all documented and authenticated photographs will get the proper recognition on this page.
I f at all possible please include the dates the photographs were taken as well as any pertinent information to go with the photograph.
For example names of person or persons in the picture along with Mr. Hoffa. Also if possible a short scenario of the photograph and its history.
T hank you again in advance for any and all consideration you can give us with this search to enhance the quality and content of this pictorial history.
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