
No Right Click ~ Sparks, Etc.

T his script disables the right click. Instead of an alert, sparks, other keyboard symbols or a text message follow the cursor.IE Only.

W e have tested the code in IE6.0, Firefox1.0.5, Opera8.0 and Netscape7.02 and Netscape8.0. This script worked in IE only. All other platforms tested you will not see this effect. It degrades well and you will not get any error messages.

Note Of Importance O n a note of importance in reference to scrolling down the page. This effect will not be seen as you scroll down the page. Basically it is only visible in the top part of the page. The effect does disable the right click option at the bottom of the page. It just does not show any sparkle or message.

D epending on your knowledge of HTML and javascripts, this is an easy one part copy and paste code that goes in the <HEAD> section of your document with minimal reconfigurations. See below:

Default Settings

// size of Sparkler

var s=80;

// Sparkle size range

var fs=1;

var fb=30;

// sparkle shape or text

var st="*";

// blink rate (may affect time)

var br=5;

// blink time (may affect rate)

var bt=70;

// colors

var cl=new Array("aaffee","ccff77","ffcc44","ffaa22","ffbb66","ffff88")

// number of colors

var nc=6;

// fallow mouse (true or false)

var fm = true;

// Do not alter anything below


Our Reconfigurations

// size of Sparkler

var s=200;

// Sparkle size range

var fs=20;

var fb=20;

// sparkle shape or text

var st="Sorry ~ No Right Click Allowed";

// blink rate (may affect time)

var br=30;

// blink time (may affect rate)

var bt=50;

// colors

var cl=new Array("ba55dc","00ff00","1e90ff","ffaa22","ffbb66","ffff88")

// number of colors

var nc=6;

// fallow mouse (true or false)

var fm = false;

// Do not alter anything below


A s you can notice, you can play around with all the color coded areas until it fits your site.

Note Of Importance O n a note of importance in reference to the number of colors you have configured.

// colors

var cl=new Array("ba55dc","00ff00","1e90ff","ffaa22","ffbb66","ffff88")

// number of colors

var nc=6;

Y ou can have as many or as little colors as you want listed but....... the number var nc=6; is the one that determines how many will be visible upon activation of this effect. In other words, (for example) lets say you have 25 colors listed but you have the number set at 4 . This means that the first four colors listed will be seen on right click. If you have the number set at 10, the first 10 colors will be visible.

I f you would like to see what the default effect looks like on both light and dark backgrounds, grab the respective link and you are there.
Light Background ]     [ Dark Background ]

I f you would like to add this effect into your pages, grab the below link and you are there. If you have any problems with this, feel free to contact us.
Get Code Here ]

S elect the below link and your default email will appear for you to fill out and send this page to your friends.

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