Today is . Page created 11/24/02, updated 12/17/06
Search Engines |
Note of Importance ~ This page is quite large (59 KB) and quite "Graphic Intensive". Depending on your system and connection speed, the loading process may be slow. We have downsized by making it into two pages (link to page two at the bottom)
W e have put together what we think is a really good selection of search engines that you can either use or add to your site. These are an assortment of the largest search engines that we can find. We also found a few that are targeted towards children from 5 years old and up.
ll the links to all the displayed search bars are below. Plus a collection of links with over 800 different search engines and a link to Search Engine Colossus, that offers you links to search engines from 149 countries around the world for your use. We also have two other search engines that is linked just below. These are javascripts that you can search the web, newsgroups and more with one search. See the links below for these search engines.
[ Java Script Search Engine ]
[ Java Script Search Engine II ]
W e have tested the code in IE6.0, Firefox1.0.7, Opera8.51, Netscape7.02, Netscape8.0.4 and AOL Explorer1.1. This script worked well in all platforms with no variations observed.
W ith the Mega Spider search engine if you would to type in "reverse+listings"
(no quotes) you will be taken to a site where you can look things up in reverse.
[Get Code For vanBasco's Midi Search]
"Ask Jeeves is a trademark of Ask Jeeves, Inc.,
Copyright 1996- Ask Jeeves, Inc."
Note of Importance ~ In reference to adding either the "Ask Jeeves" or "Jeeves For Kids" text linkto or search boxes. You "Must" conform to the terms and conditions described below. You must include when you set up a text link or search box the following:
"Ask Jeeves is a trademark of Ask Jeeves, Inc.,
Copyright 1996- Ask Jeeves, Inc."
T o make this easier for you, so you do not have to every year remember to update the copyright©, just copy and paste the below code when adding the "Ask Jeeves" or "Jeeves For Kids" material. The text they require plus the little Javascript we attached automatically updates the copyright every year.
<p>"Ask Jeeves is a trademark of Ask Jeeves, Inc.,<br>
Copyright 1996-<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
<!--- Hide from old browsers
// end hiding --->
</SCRIPT> Ask Jeeves, Inc."</p>
[Get Code For Search Engine Guide]
Get Code For USSeek ]
[Get Code For EuroSeek]
* The three (3) above search boxes are all from Euro/Us Seek. Just grab the EuroSeek Link at the bottom to select which style you prefer. When that page opens and when you close it you will get an error message from that website. It does not in any way alter or change the code(s) in the search boxes.
[ Error Message ]
ince we had had some feedback about this page taking so long to load (It was over 75K) on some systems, grab the below link to take you to page 2.
[ Page 2 Of Search Engines ]
[Northern Light]
[AOL] |
you would like to add any of these search engines into your page(s) grab the respective above link and you are there. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our [ FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, [ contact us ].
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