W elcome to The Consigliere's™ Free Site Evaluation. This is a free service we provide upon request from you. Our Webmaster and Support Staff do a complete non biased evaluation of your site.
W here are many things that we look for in this evaluation such as HTML codes, spelling, speed of page loading, images, music, copyright authorization etc.
A s stated earlier, this is a non biased evaluation that sometimes you will like and sometimes you won't. Remember, this is our staff's opinion on your site that you can either accept our recommendations or not.
O n a final note, these evaluations are not placed in public access for all to view unless you give the URL address to people to view. We value your privacy and your evaluation report is archived under a private URL that is only given to the site that is being submitted.
A s with all evaluations, It is done by people that are skilled in their field. After the initial evaluation report we send you, if you have accepted our findings, we will do another evaluation and also rate it on a "5" star system. One being the lowest and five being the highest.
O n a final note; the HTML evaluation that is included in our report is done by computers and is extremely hard not to have HTML codes wrong. We also take that into consideration due to the fact some editors (Page Builders) is one that inserts certain codes that will not pass the evaluation as to placement of the codes.
A ll we ask in return for this free service we provide is that you post the below image on your site and link it back to us.
he below link is an evaluation that we have been granted permission to use by the webmaster of the site as an example of how a site is evaluated.
[ Site Evaluation ]
I f you open this site, you will see that the changes have been made from our original evaluation.
J ust copy and paste the below code into your document after you upload the above image to your editor. Angelfire does not allow remote loading of images so do not link to this image, it will not work.
<p><a href="https://www.angelfire.com/ny5/consigliere/"><img src="Your Path To The Uploaded Image"border="0" width="242" height="129"alt="We Put You Under The Looking Glass"></a></p>
ny comments questions or your submitting for the evaluation should be directed to our
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