Adding Images Into The Script

God Bless The USA   Arrow   Question Mark   Dancing Little Man

A s the script implies,.....
".....<IMG> tag supported. Put exact html for an image to show......"

T his is great but...................
They do not tell you that it can't be done in certain places and also done a certain way or it will not work.

T his script makes us of the " (quote character). When you insert as the script says "<IMG> tag supported", you must not use any " marks but substitute with the (') apostrophe instead. See below for example:

Right Way

<img src='Path To Uploaded Image' border='0' width='?' height='?' alt='?'>

Wrong Way

<img src="Path To Uploaded Image" border="0" width="?" height="?" alt="?">

N ow that we see howto write the correct image tag for this script, lets move on to where you can and where you can't insert the image tag.

T he only place you can't insert an image tag is in the area where the wording of "SIDE MENU" is located. In other words

barWidth=20; // no quotes!!
barText="SIDE MENU"; // <IMG> tag supported. Put exact html for an image to show.


I f you would slide out the menu, you notice the Dancing Little Man at the bottom, The American Flag at the top and the graphics associated with the different links. Below we will show you howto add an image into those areas of the code.

Regular link with image and target to new window.

ssmItems[13]=["Howto Add Images    Howto Add Images", "URL Path To Be Called", "_blank"]

The code for the above will look like this:

ssmItems[13]=["<img src='Path To Uploaded Image' border='0' width='?' height='?' alt='?' align='?'>Name Of Link Here", "URL To Link To Be Called", "_blank"]

Bottom header with no link associated with it.

ssmItems[14]=["AlwaysFollow The Above Link On Images To See Howto Add Images Into This ScriptVisible!"] //create header

The code for the above will look like this:

ssmItems[14]=["<i>Always</i><img src='Path To Uploaded Image' border='0' width='?' height='?' alt='?' align='middle'><i>Visible!</i>"] //create header

B elow is the markup description for the above different attributes and characters used in adding an image into the script.

  • The <i>Italic </i> tags. These tags define Italic font.

  • The ? in reference to the size attributes (in pixels) of the image used. The ? would be replaced with the size attributes.

  • The ? in reference to the "alt tag. An alt tag is a descriptive little pop up message on mouseover. In other words, when the cursor is placed over an image, a message will appear. You would replace this ? with your descriptive message.

  • The align="middle" refers to the positioning of the image in relation to the surrounding text. This can also be either "top" or "bottom also depending on how you want the graphic positioned in relation to the surrounding text.

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