Today is . Page created 12/20/03, updated 05/14/06
T his little script is an easy way to put a message in your site's Status bar that's sure to attract attention. Just look at the bottom of your screen in your status bar to see this effect.
We have tested the code in IE6.0, Firefox1.5.0.2, Opera8.54*, Netscape8.1 and AOL Explorer1.2. This script worked well in all platforms with one (1) variation observed in Firefox1.5.0.2. You will not see the effect. It degrades well and you will not get any error messages.
* In Opera, you must have the "Status Bar" activated. In other words, in the Opera browser, go to the top of the browser window and select "View". When that little drop down box appears select "Status Bar". Be sure the radio button for off is "Not" selected. If it is, unselect it and choose either "Top" or "Bottom" to view the status bar and this effect.
D epending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts, this is an easy, two step copy and paste code with minimal reconfigurations. The first part goes in the <HEAD> section of your document. This is where you make your reconfigurations for your "Bouncing" Status Bar Message. The second part is to add an onload event handler directly into the <BODY> tag. If you do not know howto add the event handler into the body tag, see the below example.
<HEAD> Section Reconfigurations
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
//Put Your Message between the asteriks * *
don't remove them//
var yourwords = "*
Your Custom Message Goes Here!
var buffer1="
var buffer2="
var message1=buffer1+yourwords+buffer2;
var dir = "left";
var speed = 75;
function pingpong()
f you notice besides where and howto add your custom message, the below part of the code;
var speed = 75;
This is where you control how fast or slow the message goes from side to side. The
lower the number the faster the message bounces from left to right.
Note Of Importance: If by chance you remove the asterisk * * on either side of the message, you will see the message bounce one time and then it will scroll left and vanish into cyber space.
Add onload Event Handler Directly Into The<BODY> Tag
<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#ba55dc" link="#fff8dc" alink="#fff8dc"
vlink="#fff8dc" onLoad="pingpong()">
e hope our tutorial was easy to follow and we covered everything in detail. If you would like to add this effect into your pages, grab the respective below link* and you are there. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our [ FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, [ contact us ].
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For your Information: * Since the original script site no longer archives this effect, we now are archiving this script for your convenience.
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