Today is . Page created 08/09/02, updated 05/07/06

Visual Text Effects IE Only

Select Background Color

 Gray  Black  White  Pale Pink  Purple  Blue  Dark Green
This Is Glowing  Bouncing and Glowing Dino

Drop Shadow Effect

Shadow Effect

Wave Text Effect

Blurred Text Effect

T hese are different text effects that you can have on your site with almost no work at all. They are little sniplets of script that you copy and paste into the  <BODY> section of your document where you want them to appear.

I f you click on any of the above radio buttons you will see how they look with different color backgrounds. You can play around with the size colors etc. to see how they work with different colors. You can also add an image and or a link to the text as we have done to to grab these effects for your page. If you have any problems with this feel free to contact us. Just follow the link below and add these effects to your page.

We have tested the code in IE6.0, Firefox1.5.0.2, Opera8.54, Netscape8.1 and AOL Explorer1.2. This script worked in IE and AOL Explorer1.2 only. All other platforms tested you will "Not" see the effect, just the font color(s) without the special effects. It degrades well and you will not get any error messages.

T he only thing about adding a link to the text is that you will not get the cursor to change as it does normally when over a link. It will appear is it is going over regular text excep if you add a special type of <span> tag into the link. The below is the default without any <span> tag.

Reconfigured With Special <span> </span> Tag

<p><a href="URL GOES HERE"target="_blank">
<DIV STYLE="filter: shadow(color=#ffff00,direction=45); width:540; color:#000000;">
<FONT SIZE="4" FACE="arial" COLOR="#ff0000">
<span style="cursor:pointer; cursor: hand">Get Code Here</span></a></DIV></FONT></p>

I f you would like to see all the different span tags you can use, grab the below link and you are there.
Different Cursor Effects ]

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