Today is . Page created 08/09/02, updated 05/20/06
Time And Date Scroller |
T ime Scroll in the taskbar. Besides being very cool you can change the messages to anything you want and even leave private messages that only certain people would understand. Due to the fact that the Consigliere is a total romantic, he enjoys leaving little personal messages on this for certain people. Look at the bottom of your screen ↓ to see the messages scrolling.
W e have tested the code in IE6.0, Firefox1.5.0.3, Opera8.54*, Netscape8.1 and AOL Explorer1.2. This script worked well in all platforms with the exception of Firefox1.5.0.3 where it will not work. It degrades well and you will not get any error messages.
* In reference to Opera8.54, you must have your preferences set to be able to see the task bar. If you are unfamiliar on howto, it is quite easy.
D epending on your knowledge of HTML and Java scripts this is an easy one step code that is pasted into the <BODY> section of your document.
<!-- Begin
var osd = " "
osd +="Add Your First Message Here! ";
osd +="Add Your Second Message Here ";
osd +="Add Your Third Message Here";
osd +="Add Your Fourth Message Here ";
osd +="Add Your Last Message Here Do Not Edit Past This Point!";
var timer;
Y ou can add more messages by following the pattern with your last message above the var timer;.
T he Date and time are a constant that works from the computer clock. You do not have to reconfigure anything for that part of the script.
For your Information: If you notice in the default code, there is no space either in front of each message or behind each message. You may want to space the messages apart or they will appear to run together. This is done by placing the cursor behind and in front of each message and hitting your "Space Bar" about 9 or 10 times to space out the messages. If this is a little unclear, see the below example.
Default - No Spacing
<!-- Begin
var osd = " "
osd +="Add Your Message Here";
osd +="Add Your Message Here";
osd +="Add Your Message Here";
osd +="Add Your Message Here";
osd +="Add Your Last Message Here Do Not Edit Past This Point!";
var timer;
Reconfigured With Spacing
<!-- Begin
var osd = " "
osd +=" Add Your Message Here ";
osd +=" Add Your Message Here ";
osd +=" Add Your Message Here ";
osd +=" Add Your Message Here ";
osd +=" Add Your Last Message Here Do Not Edit Past This Point! ";
var timer;
e hope our tutorial was easy to follow and we covered everything in detail. If you would like to add this effect into your pages, grab the respective below link* and you are there. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our [ FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, [ contact us ].
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For your Information: * Since the original script site no longer archives this effect, we now are archiving this script for your convenience.
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