ave you ever visited a site and saw a little message something to the effect of
"Site Best Viewed With Font Style So & So".
No link to get the font, just the message. You knew what the style should look like but you were not viewing it because your computer did not have it.
F irst off, if the site designer wants you to view his/her site with a certain font style, the least they can do is give you a link to get the font. In all actuality, they should have that style in a zip file for you to download and instructions on how to add that particular style into your computer. This is the difference between a true design professional and someone who is not.
elow you will find a link to a site that wants you to view their pages in flat brush font style. This is an example of true professionals and how they set it up to view in the requested font style. We did contact the site developer and they were kind enough to add a link anchor to that section of their page that shows how they have requested optimum viewing with a certain font style. When the page opens, you will be directed right to that section of the page for you to see.
[ Example Of Professional Set Up ]
M ost font styles that you download are compressed and also commonly referred to as being in a "Zip File". In order to "unzip" the style you download you must have an unzipping utility installed on your computer to "unzip" the fonts you download. Just click on the below graphic or links to get your zipping and unzipping utility.
[ Shareware Zip Utilities ]
[ Free Zip Utilities ]
1) Download the font you want to install to a folder on your computer.
2) Double-Click the downloaded font. This should open it in your default unzipping program.
3) "Extract" the font to the following folder on your hard drive:
C:\windows\fonts ( this is the default folder for fonts on windows 95/98 )
4) Once you have extracted the font, navigate to the folder you just extracted it to. Click on this folder. Once all your fonts are displayed, you should see the new one you just installed. Double-Click the new font to "activate it".
5) Finally, open your program you want to use the font in and it will now be one of the font choices available.
B elow we have included some sites that you can get different font styles to install in your computer.
[ Font Guy ]
[ Font File ]
[ 1001 Fonts ]
[ Microsoft Typography ] |
W e do not endorse or are affiliated with any of the above sites. We are just offering them to you for your convenience as we find them.
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