Today is . Page created 02/01/04, updated 07/16/06
Velocity Equivalents |
First, type the number you wish converted here:
Then, click radio buttons for desired conversion: | |||||||||
Fm: | cm/sec |
m/sec |
m/min |
km/hr |
ft/sec |
ft/min |
mi/hr |
Knots |
To: | cm/sec |
m/sec |
m/min |
km/hr |
ft/sec |
ft/min |
mi/hr |
Knots |
U se this Java Script to find velocity equivalents. If your site deals with speed, velocity, etc., this is the perfect calculator to do the job.
We have tested the code in IE6.0, Firefox1.5.0.4, Opera9.0, Netscape8.1 and AOL Explorer1.2. This script worked well in all platforms with no variations observed.
D epending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts, this is a very easy two (2) part copy and paste code with minimal if any reconfigurations. The first part goes in the <HEAD> section of your document with no reconfigurations and the second part goes anywhere in the <BODY>section of your document you want this effect to appear.
he only reconfigurations basically are cosmetic and we do suggest you make them for visual reasons. In IE
the font is clearly visible but.......
when we tested this script in both platforms of Netscape7.02
and 4.08 along with Opera7.23, we found the text was hard to read and blurry for
the simple reason it was too small to read easily. The default font size is 1 and we changed it to 3. We also found in Netscape and Opera the form boxes that you type into and also get the results were small with the font size of 1 and when we changed it to 3, they were larger and much
easier to read. We also removed certain <B> and </B> tags to aleviate the blurryness even further.
T hese reconfigurations are made within the <BODY> section of code inside the <TABLE>. We will funish part of the code for your inspection to see where and howto change the font size. Just follow the pattern thru-out the table for the reconfigurations.
<tr><TD COLSPAN=10 ALIGN=CENTER><FORM NAME="isnform07"><FONT COLOR="blue"><B>Velocity Equivalents</B></TD></tr>
<tr><TD COLSPAN=10 VALIGN=TOP><FONT SIZE=1><B>First, type the number you wish converted here: </B>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="velinp" SIZE=30 VALUE="" onChange="velCon();"><BR>
<B>Then, click radio buttons for desired conversion:</TD></tr>
<tr><TD ALIGN=CENTER>red" SIZE=1><B>Fm:</B></FONT></TD>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="veli" VALUE="cm/sec" CHECKED onClick = ""></TD>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="veli" VALUE="m/sec" onClick = ""></TD>
A s you can see in the above partial code where the reconfigurations can be make. Just follow and reconfigure the entire code inside the <TABLE> in the <BODY> section so that if this effect is viewed withNetscape and or Opera, the text will be clearly visible.
ne last thing you can do if you don't want this calculator in plain view all the time. It does take up space that can be used for other things. You can have it so it will pop up with a link to just the size of the calculator with a close window button. All you need to do is make a separate page with just the code and a close window button on it. Then use the below little java script to call the page.
[ Velocity Equivalent Calculator ]
<!---------- Start Pop Up Window Code ---------->
<A HREF="javascript:void(0)" ONCLICK="open('URL To Page Called', 'myannouncer', 'toolbar=0,menubar=1,location=0,resizable=0,width=520,height=400')">Velocity Equivalent Calculator</A>
<!---------- End Pop Up Window Code ---------->
<!---------- Start Close Window Button Code ---------->
<input type=button value="Close Window"
<!---------- End Close Window Button Code ---------->
O n the above Pop Up window code, you can play around with the height and width sizes until it suits you. The size we have is what will open in the above example link.
Note Of Professionalism: In reference to the level of professionalism your site attains. It elevates your site's level of professionalism by adding the little "Close Window" button or link on the linked-to page. It may not seem like much but little things such as this stick in people's minds as a little convenience not required but done anyway. Below are the codes for the link, button and a linkto another page for the effect of closing the page by clicking on a graphic. These buttons are placed anywhere in the <BODY> section of your document you want it to appear. Do not overdo the use of these little buttons. we just add them into our pages when we have as we do here Pop up windows that need to open in a new window to keep focus on the main page.
<input type=button value="Close Window"
<a href="javascript:window.close();">Close Window</a>
[ Close Window ]
e hope our tutorial was easy to follow and we covered everything in detail. If you would like to add this effect into your pages, grab the respective below link* and you are there. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our [ FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, [ contact us ].
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For your Information: * Since the original script site no longer archives this effect, we now are archiving this script for your convenience.
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