Today is . Page created 08/08/02, updated 03/03/07

Waving Children Wavy Text Effect Applet Text

W e have received many requests on "Where Can I Find Wavy Text". Well After a search we finally found it so you need not look any further.

W e have tested the code in IE7.0, IE6, Firefox2.0.0.1, Opera9.10, Netscape8.1.2, Netscape4.08 and AOL Explorer1.5. This script worked well in all platforms tested with no variations observed.

T his is a .class applet that depending on your knowledge of HTML, java scripts and applets is quite easy.

F irst you need to go to the below link and when the page opens there will be a few parts that you must do.

1)      Save the .class file(s) into your hardrive by either clicking the files with the "shift" key depressed, or simply clicking it for IE users.
2)      Once you save it to your hard drive then you need to upload it to your editor in the same directory as the page will be on.
3)      Then copy and paste the script where you want it to appear on your page in the <BODY> section of your document.

O nce this is done then all you need to do is reconfigure the script to suit you. Every part of the code can be reconfigured. Just keep playing with it until it works for you. Below is where you can make all your reconfigurations.

T he only downside to this applet itself is it is on a black matte and that color cannot be altered. We have even attempted to add another parameter value into the code
<PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#ffffff>
and it still will not change the background color.


<APPLET code="flag1.class" width=440 height=48>
<PARAM name="FONT" value="ARIAL">
<PARAM name="SIZE" value="32">
<PARAM name="DELAY" value="50">
<PARAM name="TEXT" value="Your Text Goes Here">


O n the first line of the below code you will notice the differences on how to and how not to add the flag1.class that you have uploaded.

<APPLET code="flag1.class" width=600 height=70>

A gainst popular practice and correct HTML coding procedures "DO NOT" use your complete URL in front of the flag1.class. If you do the applet will not work. In other words, look at the two below examples to see what we mean.


<APPLET code="flag1.class" width=600 height=70>


<APPLET code="Your URL HERE/flag1.class" width=600 height=70>

We hope our tutorial was easy to follow and we covered everything in detail. If you would like to add this effect into your pages, grab the respective below link and you are there. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, contact us ].
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