4 Images To Be Uploaded

D on't forget to upload these images in the same directory as the WorldCode Date Base. If not, be sure to reconfigure the path for the images or they will not appear and you will wonder why. Also be sure to "Save As' with the same file name that is on the image. If not, the image(s) will not appear. If you do save the image(s) with different file names, you will have to change the file name on the HTML code to reflect the file name.

blank Image                                      Accent Box
The above on the left is a blank image. The size attribute is defined as width=1 in the HTML code. The above on the right is the accent box that you see on the Data Base Page next to the instructions

Background Behind Textarea Form Box
The above is the frame that goes behind the textarea form box

Background Image
The above is the background image for the page

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