Settings In Yahoo! Email
And How To Change Them

B elow is a direct transmission from Yahoo! customer support to our support team on what you can change within your email account and how to do it.

Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 16:30:03 -0700
To: <>
Subject: Re: Errors - Other (KMM48298237V39139L0KM)
From: Mail <> | Add to Address Book
Reply-to: Mail <>

Hello Consigliere™

Yahoo! Mail has many set up options. You can update the information you gave during your initial registration (such as language, password; and how often you are prompted for your password, alternate email address, etc.), as well as personally configure many special features in your Yahoo! Mail account.

If you would like to update the information you gave when registering, please do the following:

1. Log in to your Yahoo! Mail account
2. Click the "Options" link on the left-hand navigation bar
3. Click the "Account Information" link on the right. Your browser will then display the Account Information page where you can view your current Yahoo! ID Card.
4. Click the "Edit" button next to the section you would like to edit
5. When you have finished updating your information, click the "Finished" button to put your changes into effect

Please note that, for security reasons, it is not possible to modify the birth date you provided when registering.

Each item in the bulleted listed below can be personally configured in your Yahoo! Mail account. The items are tiered the same way they're structured in your account (to get to the "Signature" item, for instance, you must first click on "Options" in your account).

Address Book
  -Who is listed in your address book
  -Their nicknames, if any
  -What information is displayed about each person in your address book
  -How many Groups are in your address book
  -Who belongs to which Groups
  -The number of address book entries displayed at one time

  -The names and number of folders in your account

     -Your signature block as appended to outgoing messages.
    -Your name as it appears in the "From:" field of email you send
    -Change the colors used in your account.
    -An address to which people should reply when you have sent them a message
    -The version of Yahoo! Mail that appears by default, frames (javascript) or non-frames (non-javascript)
    -The default for sent messages, whether they are stored in your
Sent folder or not
    -The chronological sorting order of your messages
    -The number of messages displayed at one time within a folder
    -The page displayed after deleting or moving a message (return to
original folder/go to next message)
    -The default format for forwarded messages, attachment or inline
    -The number of lines from the sender's text, if any, quoted in your
    -The length and detail of the headers of incoming mail
    -Your preferred font size
    -The width, in characters, of incoming and outgoing mail
  -POP/Forward Status (exclusively for Yahoo! Delivers Members)
    -A sign up for POP access to read your messages on the web and in
email clients such as Netscape Messenger, Outlook, and Eudora
    -A sign up to forward your mail to another address
  -External Mail
    -The destination folder for your mail
    -External Mail settings:
        External (POP3) Mail Server name
        Server port number
    -The status of mail left on your external mail POP3 server
(saved or deleted)
    -How much mail to retrieve (all or only new messages)
  -Yahoo! Messenger
    -Subscription frequency
  -Yahoo! Reminders
    -The number of reminders
    -Their names and delivery dates
  -Yahoo! Delivers
    -Whether or not you would like to receive special promotional
    -Subscription frequency
  -Vacation Response
    -The duration of the response
    -The text of the response
  -Account Information
    -The account information you provided at registration
    -Your password

For additional assistance and our feedback forms, we invite you to also visit the Yahoo! Mail Online Help at:


We value your input. Please take a moment to complete the Yahoo! User Satisfaction Survey. Your feedback will be used to help us make improvements to the service that Yahoo! Customer Care provides.!_User_Satisfaction/survey.cgi


Yahoo! Mail Support

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