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Boure Well Project Pictures

Old well and mud around it. Standing water breeds mosquitoes (malaria danger); Also, the opening being at ground level allows animal waste to enter water supply when animals brought to get water.

My host mother posing with a mortar and pestle (used to pound grains)

Women filling water receptacle from well.

A large Nigerian household.

Women lined up to pray for "Tabasky," an important religious holiday.

Rosalynn Frederick, PCV, of Copake, NY, a 1998 graduate of Ithaca College with her host brother, Habibu, and host father, Hassane.

Village of Baure (Boure)

Ramaton (standing in center), Habibu (boy in front of Ramaton), Halima (girl squatting in front)

An example of an eroded, desertified area, the land has no fertility and cannot be planted.

Rosalynn cultivating field to get rid of all grass so the grass doesn't use up all the rain water the crops need to grow.