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The call rings out so loud and clear
Who will defend our freedom so dear
This freedom for which so many have died
Making our hearts beat with such pride

Yes, who will answer and take a stand
Fighting for freedom, not for just our land But for all the oppressed people in our world
May freedom's flag fly forever unfurled

We all know just who will answer the call
So many brave people standing so very tall
Risking their lives, not hiding in the sand
To defend freedom in and for every land

Fathers and Mothers,
Sisters and Brothers
Aunts and Uncles,
Cousins, and Lovers
Friends of all sizes and shapes and colors
United in love for their sisters and brothers

They will come from all walks of life
Willing to make the greatest sacrifice
That they answer is not a big surprise
For they are all truly heroes in our eyes
For their courage and bravery is not in vain
Because of their efforts we will rise again
And give them all praise and honor that is due
This, as everyone surely knows,
is very true

by- RoseAnne Shaw