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They came from miles and miles away,
The people who worked there every day.

They came by subway, cab and bus,
They came to work, full of trust,

Believing in the American Way,
Believing their world was here to stay.

But then, on the eleventh day of September,
A day of days that we'll all remember,

These people's dreams and hopes and loves
Would all be shattered by terror above.

The terror came in the form of a plane
And things wouldn't ever be the same.

First one, then two, then three, then four,
All planes, all fast, all full of sorrow.

They killed and killed in each tall tower,
They also killed within the hour,

People working at the military base.
Killing, killing, at such a fast pace.

The innocent souls on board were lost,
Reminders of an earlier holicost.

For once again hate raged and raged
And once again, the innocent paid.

And once again, the nations prayed
That retribution would be made.

The saddest fact shall now remain
Hate bred hate, a sad refrain.

They sought to destroy us because of our way
We now seek to destroy them, to make them pay.

An endless cycle from time beginning
To continue and continue with no one winning.

For again hate reared its ugly head
And filled all humankind with dread.

Evil is evil, we all believe,
But evil's not evil to those who conceive

That death is better than life when given
To promote that person's concept of heaven.

Our freedom, they believe is too extreme
We create evil which we cannot redeem.

Yet our freedom was created just so that they
Like others before them would have freedom to pray.

Freedom to believe in the god of their choice,
Freedom to give their religion a voice.

Yet they fear freedom and choose to go
To great lengths and great evil to vanquish their foe.

Why must people die in the name of God?
God, above all, must think it odd

That we could interpret his message of love
And use it to bring fiery death from above.

Use it to find reasons to hate and to kill,
All for the purpose of imposing his will.

Now they will miss their friends and we will miss ours,
For death called on us both in the New York twin towers.

That wasn't the only place lives were lost,
But the towers are a symbol of just what it cost.

We lost men, we lost women, we lost children and more.
We lost innocence and trust, and for that we are poor.