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My classroom was vacant,
My teacher, wasn't there.
The halls
were completely deserted,
Even the bulletin boards
were bare!

There was no joyful children's laughter,
Emanating from
the lonely playground.
I heard no bouncing balls
or fast running feet,
A melancholy wind blowing
was the only sound.

The Principal, wasn't occupying,
the imposing Principal's chair.
The building appeared almost haunted,
With only
the school spirit residing there!

No silly giggling, no secretive whispers,
Or puzzling math problems to add.
An utter quiet seemed too deafening,
The disheartening hush was just too sad!

Through tears, I looked in the cafeteria window,
Suddenly, I didn't feel as bad!
I still had my
wonderful memories of my friends,
And all of the great times we had!

In my mind's eye,
I took one final walk,
Down the familiar hall.
I sat in my comfortable school desk,
And I began to happily recall.

Each dedicated teacher I had,
Every important lesson they'd taught me,
How much they all had really cared.

~ author unknown ~

