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I'll wave to all of you, as you leave
when it's time for you to go.

As you sail from sea to shining sea
take the colors of your home.

Take me with you, wherever you go
keep me in your heart each night.

And if you forget what you're fighting for
remember me, in flight.

Take me out to the battleground,
and then tear me into shreds.

Wrap the bleeding wound with me,
and bind the aching head.

Plunge me into the coldest water
to soothe the fevered brow.

Tie me across the shattered limb,
I'll support it now.

Let me dry the homesick tear,
and hold closed, the gaping chest,

for here, in the field, where hope is lost
I am at my best.

And then, burn what is left of me,
for warmth into the night.

So I may bring comfort, where there is need
and courage, for the fight.

My red is deeper, for the blood you've shed.

My white is purer, for your pain.

My blue will be bluer than the deepest sea when you come home again.

Then I'll rise to the top of the flagpole,
where my colors are always flown,

and from there, when the war is over
I'll wave, to welcome you home.

~Author unknown


Her strips are known both near and far
Each state takes its place in the form of a star

She is rasied each morning so high in the air
But, most have forgotten why she is even there

They say who we are is what we know
A General named Washington with troops in the snow

The famous ride of Paul Revere
A boat crossing the river at Delware

The blood of her people shed in foreign lands
Protecting the freedom for which she stands

So many risk death by the depths of the sea
Getting to Freedom and sweet Liberty

But, blood stains her own soil as well
Lets not forget as the Alamo fell

The Civil War, Boston's Harbor of tea
The attack of Peral Harbor and ships sunk at sea

At times she has been pulled down and burnt
Been torn to pieces and drug through the dirt

Not by her enemies as you would expect
But, her own people she had vowed to protect

She has stormed the beaches of Normandy
Led her troops through Vietnam and Germany

Holding her ground at a parallel
Vets will tell you she has been through Hell

As Old Glory passes on the 4th of July
As fireworks burst in a mid-summer sky
I'll stand in respect and choke back a tear
Remembering a Flag we hold so dear

By Barbara Cox

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