Atlantic City 6-14-03
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Atlantic City 6-14-03

Mindy, Rob, Jeff and I went down to AC for a few days. Let me just say, Friday night I sat in traffic on 95 for 2 1/2 hours just to drive 50 miles! What a way to start the night. Mind you, I made up for it the rest of the way, and even caught up to Grampa Rob just as they were getting off the exit for the hotel! After arguing with the Wicked Witch of the East at the hotel, I managed to get us the room that Mindy was confirmed, and we all settled in for the night. Rob passed out, Mindy tried to order pizza, and Jeff informed us that he likes it tight. Saturday we spent the day on the boardwalk, quick trip back to the hotel to change, then off to dinner at the Crab Trap, where I think Jeff implied that I could be bought for $40, only I'm not Australian. Then we headed back to the casinos. After losing Jeff, then losing Mindy and Rob, I needed a drink, and was determined to sit at the bar to avoid crankiness and disappearing acts. Jeff accompanied me, but he wouldn't talk to the cute brunette. So, we spent $18 a round on drinks for 2, and waited for Min and Rob. They showed up $200 ahead and we went back to the hotel where Rob and I stayed up all night watching Animal Planet! Rob really knows how to have a good time! Check out the pics, we didn't take as many as Jennie would have liked, but there are a few...

Mindy, gettin ready for our trip to the boardwalk

Grampa Rob, our driver for the weekend

Cheese Ball Jeff, my fellow backseat passenger

Jeff, Rob and Mindy waiting for their turn on the GoKarts...I'm not a big fan of that shit, so I was designated drink/purse holder

Don't mind the fence, check out those sexy racers! HA! What happened to Mindy?

Rob finally got to shake hands with his childhood idol, Ben Franklin

"I'm tired, but I won't fall asleep, once I'm up I'm up!" Sure Jeff, I was only in the shower for 8 minutes and when I got out, THIS is what I found!

Enjoying some drinks on the deck at the Crab Trap before dinner

Min on the ride back to the hotel...I forgot about the camera for about 3 hours, sorry Jennie!

Jeff and I looking a little haggard after a long night


Check out Mindy's Pics