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Jimi's July 4th BBQ 2003

Good food, good friends, good fun, GOOD MARGARITAS! Jimi and Liz know how to throw a party! And so does Bob next door! Thanks for putting up with the party crashers, Uncle Bob!

Mo and Snappo

Danno, Maria and Russ

Jay and Gwen

Russ, sporting the latest in "I'm a FREAK" fashion

Pete, refusing to be outdone, especially by Russ

Jimi, getting ready for some down and dirty volleyball

I warned Pete not to miss the ball or I'd kick his ass.

Better late than never...Jennie and Grant

Jimi and Pete

Rob, Min, Jennie and a slightly wasted Miss Dana (okay, really wasted)

Jay and Danno post Sparkler War

My incredible Volley Ball Team and our "With you in spirit" coach, Grant! Why is it that I was on the guy's team and Russ was on the girl's team?

Kids, don't try this at home!