Gallery of Girls
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Gallery of Girls

It's A Girl Thing

Everyday I give thanks to the Goddess
I have two mounds upon my bodice.
I shave my legs. I sit down to pee.
I can justify any shopping spree.
Not to a barber, but a beauty salon.
Can get a massage without a hard on.
Can balance the checkbook, pump my own gas,
Can talk to my friends about the size of my ass.
I always save money by using coupons.
Can admit to others when I am wrong.
Don't drive in circles at any cost,
Just so I don't have to admit that I'm lost.
Don't act like I'm in a timed marathon
Everytime that I go to the john.

Let me tell you men, Listen to me boys...
Those thing in you pants that you treat as toys?
You love them more than we ever will.
We would rather suck on a cold pickled dill.

I spend two hours preparing for a date,
Only to find that you're two hours late.
I don't watch movies with lots of gore.
Don't need instant replay to remember the score.
I won't lose my hair. I don't get jock itch.
And just cause I'm assertive, DON'T CALL ME A BITCH!
I don't wear the same underwear everday.
The food in my fridge shows no signs of decay.
I don't go to sears to look at the tools.
I don't cheat at poker, I follow the rules.
I don't smoke cigars and don't pay for drinks at bars.
I don't punch my friends just to say "Hi", and it's ok for me to cry.

I know all you men think that you're "IT"
But compared to a woman, You just ain't SHIT!

WNGC--Jen, Jess, Day and Ames

WNGC--We may not meet as often as we used to, but no matter what day of the week or where we are, WNGC will live forever. You are beyond friends, you're my sisters, and I love you all so very much.

Jenny Benj-- Best friends since we're 5...what more is there to say? You are my Benji!! The FUN friend!!

Jessessita Rosita--My sweet, innocent Jay Ro. The always obsessing, always neurotic, yet always SMILING Girly. Aren't you glad you have me to corrupt you?!

Ames-- Who else could make me laugh when all I thought I could do was cry? Eternally insane, chronically outrageous, and forever without a sensor mechanism...and I wouldn't change a single thing!

The "Other" Girls Night Crew-- Jennie Lynn, Day, Bobby and Mindy Mo

Cheers to "The Girls and Bobby"! Bobby sheds his penis for the night and we embark on our usual Wednesday night routine of pizza and Animal Planet (which make my week, as well as our many misadventures in one of the various local "intoxicating" establishments)!

Mindy Mo -- My always dancin', Soco shootin', good timin' Chiquita Banana. Anything you need, you know who to call...THE RESIDENT SHRINK, so pick up the phone once in a while!!! ;)

Bobby--All I can say is, it's nice you're talking to me again! It's nice knowing that I have yet another little brother lookin' out for me. Thanks, babe...I luv ya!

Jennie Lynn--how much do I love you??!!??!! You are my surrogate "Big Sis." I feel like I've known you forever, we have soooo much in common, it's kinda scary!

WG Chicks

We have such a blast and someone ALWAYS has a camera, which makes photo sessions with you guys the best! Anyone remember the WG Angels? Soco all around! Cheers!