Some of my favorite links...
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Some of my favorite links...

My Favorite Friends' Sites

Jennie Lynn's Website
Debbie's Website
Kathy's Website
The GAP Club Site
Infinite Imaginations Inc. Site

Favorite Local Band Sites

Where's Grant
Phillip the Meatbox
Dr. Mudd
Thirty Stones
People of the Sun
Aisle Nine

For My Entertainment Checking Horoscopes
Metro North Schedules...For Checking the Train Schedule to Manhattan
Fredericks of Hollywood...For Shopping!!
Vicky's...For more shopping!
Amazon...more shopping with REALLY good deals!! Gotta love that
Travelocity...for great deals on flights to visit Grandma
The Chance...concert info
Ticketmaster...self explanatory
Harry Potter Home Page...So cute!!!
I am the queen of greeting cards, E-Greetings are even better!
WRRV...for harassing Gilmore
Cleaning the F-ing Kitchen for Idiots...HYSTERICAL!!!