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Some people strive for perfection even though they may be taught that there is no such plane. I believe that is not so and that perfection can be found in everything and everyone. Some people can be trained to accomplish great endeavors only to discover it wasn’t what they had envisioned at all. Then there are those people who are born with the intuition and desire to discover what they truly are. I am one of those curious ones. I was born an artist and all my life I have questioned authority or training methods. While I still believe that life is a process of learning.  I also give many thanks and take great confidence in my work. Where does the confidence come from? It comes from a trust in the universe and that it is indeed un-folding as it should.
 At this web sight you will have the opportunity to dwell within the pages of my creativity.  Never let go of your dreams for they are the only things you have that no one can take away from you. I dreamed as a child of being famous some day.  Then one day I realized that fame comes in different forms. For me fame is based on accomplishments. I dreamed of being a singer and so a singer I became. I would copy other singers and learn about breathing techniques and style. Eventually I had developed a style all my own.  I have performed all over the place from coast to coast.  It’s never been about the fame or money.  It’s always been about the experience and how it makes people feel. When I was nine years old I took an interest in Fashion Design. Back and forth to the library I would go checking out books on designers and sewing, I would collect books from flea markets or wherever I could get my hands on them. I wanted to be a designer and so a designer I became. I taught myself the techniques of sewing through trial and error and had a wonderful time doing it because I was the one telling myself if something was right or wrong. Still the creative process is all I truly live for and hope that while you are visiting here you can see how important art is to the world.