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wills of the dean family

George Dean wills vol 24 Silver Creek NY Chautauqua County (from records in Mayville NY)

I degree that all my just debts be paid 2nd I give and bequeat to my beloved wife Diantha Dean a sum of five thousand dollars $5000.00 and absolutely and forever and her the sum of two thousand $2000.00 during the term of her natural life and I give devise and bequet the use of my real estate located on main st in the village of Silver Creek NY to my beloved wife Dinatha Dean during the term of her natural life, the provisions hereof to my self with as foreseen i hereby dever as intend to be and are as so given to her in full satifaction. Then I give and bequet to warrice dot the sum of one thousand dollars$1000.00 in cash absolutely and forever for all the rest and remaing of my property both real and personal of every name I give devise and bequet to my sons Frank Dean and George o Dean share and share alike absolutely and forever 18 day of Jan 1918 (made) 28 day of July 1920 (read)

Probate Box# 456; Lucinda Fuller Late of Almond, NY Died 18 April 1907. Witnessed by Charles W. Straus and Sarah E. HOLLENBECK. Petitoner James W. Powell.

Heirs at Law
Daniel C Dean, Son, of Rosebank, Staten Island, NY
Elizabeth Sorge, Daughter of Hornell, NY
George T Dean,son of 17 prospect Ave, Buffalo, NY
Ella M. Sturdevant, daughter, of Almond, NY
Newton Baxter, son, Of Almond, NY
Jessie Easterbrooks, daughter of Almond, NY
also Mentioned in records Myrtle Easterbrooks

Record of the will of Julia A Baker deceased. In the name of God Amen. I Julia Baker of the town West Almond Allegany co NY being of sound mind and memory and understanding the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life do therfore make ordice publish and declare this to be my last will and testament that is to say: first after all my lawful debts are paid and discharged to give and bequeath to my husband David L Baker all my rights and interest in the farm on which we now reside Situated in the town of West Almond containing 1661/2 acres and I also give and bequeth to my said husband all my personal estate and property of what hired server except for the sum of five (5) dollars which shall pay to my granddaughter Blanche Burdick on her Twentyfirst birthday Second I give to my daughters Heather Fletcher and Matie A McGibney all I should have I should have received or whatsoever I shall recieve from my father sisters or any other relatives by their wills or as their heirs at law to be divided equally likewise to make Existitude and appoint my husband David L Baker sole adrimistrator and executor of the very last will and testament hereby revoking all Former Wills by me made. In witness which I have hereunto subsribed name and affix my seal the sixteenth day of July in the year of our lordone thousand eight hundred and eighty five Julia Baker (LL)

The above written instrument was subscribed by the said Julia Baker in our presence and acknowledged by her to each of us. and she at the same time declared the above instrutmented so subscribed to be her last will and testament and we at her request here signed our name as witnesses hereto in her presence and in the presence of each other and written opposite our names our repspect we place of residence here Abigail E Baker Allentown Allegany co ny here Mary E McGibney West Almond Allegany co Ny State of new york Allegany county surrogate office Be it remembered that on rhe day of the date here of the last will and testament of Julia a Baker late of the Town of West Almond in the county of West Almond and state of new york deceased being the witness and fongossing written instrustmental was duly Proved before Clarence a Farnum esq surrogate of the said county according to law as and for the last will of and testament of of the real and personal estate of the said decreased which said last will and testament and the people and examinations taken theras are recorded in this office in testamony whereof the surrogate of the said county hath hereunto set his name and affixed his seal of office this 4th day of september ad 1885 Clarence A Farnum surrogate of Allegany county

surrogate court county of Allegany in the matter of proving the last will and testament
Julia A Baker deceased
Allegany county

Abigail E Baker and Mary E Mcgibney being first duly sworn in of the court each for herself doth depose and say that she is a subscribing witness to the last will ans testament of Julia a Baker late of the town of West Almond in the county of Allegany and state of New York deceased being the witness forgoning written instrustmented was duly proved before Clarence A Farnum esq surrogate of the said county according to law as and for the last will and testament of the real and personal estate of the said deceased which said last will and testament and the people and examinations taken thereon are recorded in this office in testinmony wherof the surrogate of the said county hath and affixed his seal of office this 4th day of September ad 1885 Clarence A Farnum surrogate of Allegany County (seal of Allegany County)

Surrogate court county of Allegany in the matter of the last will and testament

Julia A Baker deceased Allegany County Abigail E Baker and Mary E Mcgibney being first and duly sworn in open court each for herself doth dispose and say that she is a subscribibg witness to the last will and testament of Julia A Baker late of the town of West Almond in the county of Allegany and state of New York deceased and these deponents do futhermore say that Julia A Baker did in the presents of each of these deponents subscribe her name at the said of the subscribment in writing which is now shown hereto these deponents and which proports to be the last will and testament of the said deceased and which bears the date the sixteenth day of July one Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty Five. the said deceased died on or about the 19th day of July 1885 at West Almond NY. That the said deceased did at the time of subscribibg her name to the said instutmental as afonsaid declare the same to be her last will and testament and these deponents did respectly subscribe their own name at the end of said instrumental as attesting witnesses to the execution therof each at the request of the said deceased and in her presence and in the susqunce reach of her that the said deceased at the time of so subcribing her name to said insturtmental as aforsaid was of full age that he appeared to be and deponents believe she was