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~*Crista's Hope*~

Chapter 6

It was nearly 3 AM and Crista was still awake pertfecting her song even though she could barly keep her eyes oppen. Just then Chris' mom opened the door and poked her head in. "Hey hun, why are you up so late, you have a lot to do tomorrow," she asked stepping all the way in. "I'm just trying to finish this song," Crista said, followed by a yawn. "Well you still have 48 hours, why don't you try to get some sleep while you still can alright?" she said. "Okay," Crista said. She gave her a sweet look after walking out. Crista got into her bed but despite how tired she was she couldn't sleep. She even tried playing music but it wasn't working. After a while she gave up and grabbed her pillow and blanket and saught after somewhere else to sleep.


The next morning, Mrs. Trousdale went into Crista's room to wake her up but was surprised to see her missing. With a confused expression she began walking down the hall to find her. She stopped half way and started walking backwards having to take a double take in Chris' room. There she saw Crista sound asleep in his bed. Mrs. Trousdale sighed with a warm smile. Just then Crista woke up to her looking at her. "You really miss him dont you?" she said. Crista simply nodded. "Well time to get up, we have work to do," she said. Crista got up and got dressed and headed to the studio again. She had been working hard and decided to go get something to drink down the hall. She was looking down and hardly noticed there was someone coming right at her who wasn't paying much attention either. Suddenly she slammed into someone knocking papers everywhere. "Omg I'm soooo sorry!" Crista said feeling quite stupid. She looked up and saw a painfully familar face. Her stomach turned as memories filled her head. "Brandon?" she asked swallowing hard with an empty feeling in her gut. "Um yeah, Crista," he asked. He looked quite happy to see her. Why? From what she remembered the memories weren't ones of good. Suddenly her mind took a turn as she went back in time.

*Brandon I can't let you do that!" Crista said begging him not to go. "I have to!" he said as he started to walk down the opposite end of the alley but suddenly felt crista grab him. "If you loved me you wouldn't go!" she suddenly yelled with warm tears streaming over her cold cheeks pulling on his arm. He sighed with a painful expression. "I'm sorry," he said quietly walking away from her.*

"Crista?" he asked. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry, Brandon what are you doing here!" she said with slight angerd tone her voice. "Don't you remember my cousin wanting to become a rapper? He's recordding in the studio next to this one and I had to drop something off for him. What are you doing here?" he asked. "Its a long...long story," she said. "Oh, well it's nice to see you. Hey it's around lunch, wanna go get something to eat? We can...ya know talk," he said. "Yeah in about 30 minutes I have something to do," she said trying contain herself. "Alright, I'll meet you back over here," he said flashing that beautiful smile. This wasn't happening to her. She went back to the studio feeling weak and shaky all over. She felt like crying with all the emotion she was feeling at once. Happiness, joy, sorrow, love, hurt. She couldn't handle it.

Finally she was done and she met Brandon. They walked down to a local fast food place and Crista told him EVERYTHING that went on after that one painful night. "Wow thats pretty crazy. You're gonna be this big pop star and everything, I always knew you had talent," he said smiling at her "I guess," she said shrugging. "So this Chris guys like together?" he said with hinting in his voice. "Well yeah, I guess you could say that," she said. What was she doing? Had those words really come out of her mouth? She GUESSED? Who was she kidding she was simply crazy about chris. "Oh" he said with disapointment. "So what happened to you after...that," she said. Neither of them liked to bring it up. It was around a year ago when Crista was living with her mom and running around the neighborhoods with the wrong crowd. That's how she met Brandon. He was a tough guy and was in a gang at the time. But Crista found love and affection deep inside him and she felt so strong about him. The night they last saw each other, Brandon was driving all the way to the other side \ of town with his friends to get in some rowdy gang fight. For all Crista knew he could of been dead that whole year. But she never saw him after that. "I'm not in a gang, I'm helping with my cousin's career and I can honestly say I never got over you," he suddenly spat out. It took her by surprise but instead of feeling weird she felt happy. Why did this have to happen now? She couldn't let Brandon interfere with Chris and her. And Brandon was the kind of guy who thought of Crista as "his lady always and forever no matter \ what". "Oh," she said, "look I really need to get going. Steven's gonna kill me." she said standing up. "Crista wait," he said touching her arm as he stood up. She felt a warm weird feeling run over her. "I would like to see you again," he said smiling. "Okay, um here's my cell. You can call whenever I guess," she said. She waved to him and walked back to the studio.


When Crista got home she was exhuasted. With nothing else to do, she thought she would clear her mind by getting online.

LLCoolC: hi
MidNightBeauty: hi chris
LLCoolC: how was your day.
MidNightBeauty: yet again....stressful,cunfusing...everything
LLCoolC: i heard you got a nice sleep last night
MidNightBeauty: what?
LLCoolC: so is my bed comfy?
MidNightBeauty: oh that! ha ha yes very.
LLCoolC: yeah i know! i miss it. lol but you can keep it warm for me while im gone
MidNightBeauty:alright lol. what has been up with you
LLCoolC: one word.....CRAZY!
MidNightBeauty: are all those beautiful girls fallowing you
LLCoolC: yep...but none of the compare to you
MidNightBeauty: suuree
MidNightBeauty: okay okay! ha ha, well im tired im going beddy bye
LLCoolC: okay, i grant you to sleep in my bed again
MidNightBeauty: oh thanx :-S lol k bye
LLCoolC: sweet dreams baby :-)

Crista got off and sighed happy. This wasn't happening, she was in love with two guys! One was her first love, from the past but had hurt her before. He picked his gang over her and she could never forgive him for that. Then there was her new love Chris. He was absolutley amazing. But Brandon had showed her love like Chris never had, she felt Chris wasnt fully sure of what love was yet. But she couldn't just forget him. Crista decided to sleep on it and think it through tomorrow.

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