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Crista's Hope

Chapter 12

it had been nearly a week after kari joined the tour and things were perfect. "crista wake up" kari said nudging her. crista rolled over sleeply and fell out of the bunk. "ow" she said sitting up and rubbing her head. "its for you" kari said holding in her laughter handing crista her cell phone. "hello?" crista said standing up and untangling her feet from the blanket. "hey baby" she heard chris whispere. "hey, why are you whispering?" she asked. "the guys are asleep." he said, "oh, sooo whats up?" crista said. "okay, at our next stop theres somewhere i wanna take you. but i had an idea" chris said with his voice raising a little. "and that would beee?" crista questioned. "you can bring kari and i can bring one of the guys, ya know a little match making" chris said. crista gave a laugh. "the tours really gettin to ya huh" crista siad. "ya pretty much" chris laughed. "who did you have in mind" crista said walking to the kitchen area of the bus holding the phone between her shoulder and head as she looked through the cabnits. "frankie??" chris asked. crista stopped and made a strange face. "no" she said simply. "jesse" she said taking the herbal tea out of the cabnit. the moment the J sound slipped from her lips kari looked up and crista smiled devilishly at her and she put a pot of water on the stove turning to high and sitting down on the couch. "jesse?" chris asked. "dont question me trust me" she said. "alright" chris said. "so what is this place?" crista asked smiled. "its a surprised" chris said, crista didnt have to see chris to know he was smiling in a sweetheart kind of way. "oh okay, can you at least tell me what to wear?" crista said. "hmm, flashy and hot" chris said crista giggled a bit. "okay ill try" she said. "you dont have to try, you are' he said. "k i better go your making me blush" crista laughed. "alright. love ya" he said. "love you bye" she said clicking the phone off.

she got up and dropped the green mint leave tea bags into the boiling water. "oh we're going somewhere with chris and jesse tonite. he said dress flashy and hot" crista shrugged. "ookay" kari said giving a strange look. the buses stopped at a place to fuel up and they all got off to head into the convience store. crista just threw on a white rage agaisnt the machine shirt and torn blue jeas. she looked at herself in the mirror before going out side. "ugh i look like a stoner" she said making a face at the person on the other side of the mirror as she stepped out with kari behind her drously. chris ran over "heyy you look.." he stopped at looked at her blankly. "uhhh nice...very nice" he said trying to smile. "save it chris i feel like crap" she said. "you better not be sick,we still have plans tonite" he said happily. "all i need is more tea and some medichine and ill be cool" she said as they made there way to the truck stop. after going through all of that it was back to the buses. crista was watching tv when her cell rang at 6:00 that nght. "hello" she said now perky. "hey, we're almost there get dressed. gotta go bye" chris said quikly before hanging up.

crista pushed the botton and dropped the phone next to her standing./"chris said we're almost there and we gotta get dressed" he said to kari walking quikly to the back of the bus where she kept her clothes. "ahh i have nothing to wear!" she said rumaging through closet space. "alright artistic side dont let me down" she said pulling out a pile hoping she could mix match something good. "flashy and hot flashy and hot" she said to herself over and over as she threw some items of clothes out and put some to the side. kari watched as she very quikly put together a shinny tight silver spegetti strap with black butterflys on one side and stretchy materiald black bell bottoms with a slit on each hip and string going threw it like laces of a shoe and a bow at the top with silver butterfly all around the bottom. "ahh perfect!" she said happily walking to the bathroom. when she came out she had silver glitter on her cheeks and along the small dints that formed her cheek bones, it was also sprawled up her arms with silver gel like eye liner. "wow you sure know how to make a outfit work" kari said surpised. "yeah i guess. what about you your not even dressed" she asked. "i dont think im gonna go" she said reluctantly. "what? why!" crista asked. "i dont know, ill just screaw up in front of jesse and i dont have an "flashy hot" outfit, it will just be a disaster" she said. "no it wont, ill be there and make sure you dont ...and ill help you with the flashy hot part!" crista said grabbing her arm and pulling her into the bathroom. "put this on" she said handing her black pants with a shinny dark ruby red tube top and black plateforms. "once your dressed ill make you dazzle with make-up" crista said. kari put the clothes on and crista started on her. she applied lipstick to match the shirt, right before she put her glitter on her phone rang. "hello?" crista said sounding a little annoyed. "are you ready yet" chris said standing outside of the parked bus with jesse in the cold air. "no im doing karis make-up" she stated. "well hurry!" chris said impatiently. "you cant rush art!" crista said dramatically. "okay fine bye" chris said frustrated. crista hung up laughing. "boys" she said rolling her eyes. "girls!" chris said huffing. crista finished up and handed her a long black jacket with a tie to match. crista threw on her white soft leather jacket and they walked off the bus.

"hello hello" crista said walking down the stairs of the bus like a beauty queen. "hello to you to" chris said eyeing crista. he and jesse were in the same old attier. jesse had on a blue wife beater and white ufos and chris had on a black muscle shirt with matching pants and red tinted sun glasses. "chris babe theres no sun you can loose the glasses" crista said teasingly. " but you must admit i look good" chris said with a conciede grin. crista rolled her eyes and pushed him as the began walking towards something like a mini mall with a bunch of small bussiness's pushed together. "where are we going?" crista asked as they approached a black door. there were people outside there age and some a little older smoking or talking and there was a loud thumping from inside. "well knowing you and your love of dancing i brought you here" he said opening the door to a club sense with pumped music and lights lashing every wich way with a huge crowed of swaying bodies inside. chris could see cristas face light up as she looked in. "dont just stand here come on!" chris said putting and arm around her waist and sort of nudging her in. the air was thick and heavy and the vibe was incredible along with the scene the speakers were boamng to "get the party started" by pink. crista smiled and took off her jacket giving it to the body guard by the door. chris grabbed crista's hand and turned her so she was facing him and he looked her up and down and devilish smile. his eyes traveled from her feet all the way up to her eyes not missing any part of her body along the way. "wow" was all that managed out of his mouth. she giggled and took one of his hands leading him into the middle of the crowds. she danced with him for a song and a half but then noticed how kari and jesse were standing in a akward moment. "hold on" crista said passing chris he got a puzzled look and fallowed close behind, the crowd was so squished he was practically right agaisnt her. they broke free of its hold and got to where kari and jesse were standing. crista turned around to chris. "talk to him!" she said. "what am i supposed to say?" chris asked. "i dont know persuae him to dance with her, i know she likes him has jesse said anything..?"crista asked. "well he said something about her before we left but i wasnt paying attention" he said. "oh thanks your a big help" she said putting a hand on her hip and thrusting it to the side. chris looked down at her again. "you know you look cute when your frustrated" he said smiling "stop changing the subject!" she said slaping his arm trying to act serious but there was hint of smile on her lips."okay okay we'll talk" he said putting his hands up innocently walking past her. he took jesse into the corner and they had a guy chat. crista went up to kari and pulled her to the side. "whats up?" she asked. "nothing, its kinda obvious isnt it" kari said with a little anger in her voice as her arms where tightly crossed agianst her stomatch. "if jesse asked you to dance what would you say' she asked. "he wouldnt do that hes practically avoiding me"kari stated. "IF he did"crista said. "i'd saayy" kari froze and thought. "you'd say yes!" crista said nudging her. "yeah i guess" kari shrugged. "keep that in mind"crista said walking away smiling. she walked over to chris just as he finished up talking to jesse. "what did he say?' she asked. "he likes her" chris said smiling. "that good, and hes gonna ask her to dance....right?" crista asked. "eventually, he said when the time is right" chris said. "ugh in that case they aint dancing tonight" crista said shaking her head as her and chris made there way to the dance floor agian. they were in a good spot waiting for the next song when crista suddenly spat. "hold on im thirsty". chris huffed under his breath and stood patiently as crista made her way to the bar type place.

she stepped up and ordered something.the person standing next to her suddenly turned around "hi" a raspy voice said. she looked over and was locked to some beautiful yet creepy ice blue eyes. he had light blonde hair that was even on both side with his bangs in his face, of course he was gorgeous but he had a scary affect, he was wearing all black and had a mysterious grin on his face. "hi" crista said noding and trying to smile at him. "your crista arent you" he said. "yeah how did you know?" she asked. "your a singer of course i know your name, your gaining a lot of poularity quikly" he said sipping his drink with the same half smile. "ohh, i still havnt gotten used to that" she said laughing nervously. "im Stanton" he said extending his hand out, crista shook it shakingly, he was ice cold. "whats taking so long" chris said appearing behind her. he saw she was talking to a guy and instantly got a jealous look plastered on his face. stantons crooked smile dissapeared seeing cristas "boyfriend". "im coming" she said to him, her head turned back to stanton. "i haver to go, it was nice meeting you" she said walking away with chris at her side. "who was that" chris said looking back at stanton enviously. "he was a fan chris gosh get over it. you dont see me freak out everytime you kiss a girl at the meet n greets, im alowed to atleast say hi" she said getting angrey. "okay fair enough im sorry" he said innocently. "hey look" crista said pointing into the crowd seeing kari and jesse dancing. "awww, how cute. now come on" chris said mockingly pulling her to the floor. they danced for an hour straight and it seemed crista could see stanton in the corner of her eye watching her no matter where she was. the music stopped for a moment and crista looked at her watch. "holy shit" she screamed. 'what?" chris asked. "chris its almost 1am, if noah finds out we've been out this late the day before a show he'll murder us." she said worried. "alright lets find jesse and kari and leave" he said. they found them and they all walked out the door. "quik question" jesse said stopping. they all stopped walking and looked back at him. "how are we getting to the hotel?" he asked."oh god" crista said running her hands over her head.

"i think i can help with that." they heard someway say. they looked and saw stanton. "and who might you be?" kari questioned. "can you really give us a ride stanton?" crista asked. "wait im lost whos this?" jesse asked. "i met him here" crista said. "yeah, just tell me where you need to go" he said myseriously. "okay" crista said beginning to walk towards him when chris grabbed her arm. "i dont trust him" chris whispered into her ear. "chris this is our only way to the hotel" she whispered back pulling his arm. "sure we'd love a ride" she said as they all looked at her shocked. "alright lets go" he said walking behind the building as they fallowed. they saw him walk up to a sleek black car. kari jesse and chris got in the back and crista relized there wasnt room for her. "you can sit up front with me" stanton said with his weird smile agian. crista shruggred and got in front. stanton got in the car, his eyes traveled over cristas body lustfully and chris could see his wandering eyes from the back seat. just as he was about to choke this guy jesse but his hands on chris's restraining him "not here dude, hes our only hope in getting to the hotel" jesse whispered. "hes checking out my girlfriend what do you want me to do!" chris said a little to loud. "you look very beautiful" stanton said leaning over and whispering to crista. chris happend th see this also. "im gonna kill him" chris said getting an angry look and clinching his fists ready to strike at any second. crista blushed at stantons comment as he started the car. he drove them to there destination as crista directed. right before she got out of the he spoke to her. "i hope to see you soon". she smiled back and got out. as they all got out he skid off as his tires squeeled in the night. "what was that all about!" chris said stopping in front of crista with his arms out. she pushed his arm aside and kept walking. "chris i dont wanna argue with you" she said. "that guy was totally all over you and you pretend like its nothing?" he asked running up beside her. "chris calm down, so a guy was a attracted to your girlfriend its natural! shes famous and beautiful its not like she was on him!" kari said getting into the arguement. "this is none of your bussines!" he yelled back a ther. "maybe it is chris, this isnt a fight its anyones bussines. and she has a good point, you dont have to be so jealous" crista said. "jealous? hold up i never said i was jealous! i was just mad because he was flirting with you" chris said. "your jealous of him and you know it, just like you to be threatend by someone as cute as him" crista said as they all kept walking. "oh so hes cuter than me now?" chris said.

"ugh im sick of this meaningless conversation, i just wanna get into my hotel room and sleep alright!" crista said walking into the hotel as the other fallowed. "yes um we're with some people already here, i believe they rented us all rooms" crista said getting polite reaching the counter. "im sorry, theres no checking in after 12" the clerk said ."what?" crista asked. "we gave your rooms away" the women stated. "you gave them away? where do you suppose we go we're teenagers with no money you cant just kick us out" crista said as the rage from the fight with chris and now this all built up at once. "im sorry, you can rest in our lobby until your party come down tommarow" she said, once it was said they all groaned. crista just walked away from the counter and sat on a big couch in the lobby. kari and jesse sat alittle farther acually enjoying each others company. chris sat on the complete other end of the couch with the same mean expression as crista. crista layed down with her legs curled up using her poofy jacket as a pillow. chris looked over and couldnt help it, it was like he could never stay mad at her. "crista" he whispered afraid she might be sleeping. "yeah?" she said almost as eager as him. "im sorry, yeah i was jealous, i only got like that because i care' chris said getting sincere. crista sat up and looked at him. "seems we can never keep a fight going" she said laughing. "nah i love you to much to keep fighting, you know me i do before i htink" he said. "heh yehai know" she said. if he would of even touched you i would have gone crazy" chris said laughing a little. "lets forget it now, im dead tired. goodnight" she said with her jacket over her like a blanket laying on chris's chest and slowly falling asleep."do you really think hes cuter than me?" chris asked. crista giggled. "he was cute, but he didnt compare to you" she said pinching his cheek playfully. "good nite" she said. "goodnite, i love you crista' chris said. "i love you to chris" she said drifting off.

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