Counter-Evangelism: Home > Arguments > Biblical nastiness > Biblical Errancy
Bible-sanctioned cruelties and other Biblical nastiness:
Relevant issues of
Biblical errancy
- Issue 4 -- Biblical morality
- Issue 5 -- character of Peter
- Issue 8 -- Slavery, Women, Coping with Apologists, Deceptive Paul. See also replies to Christian apologists' comments in Issue 10 and Issue 12.
- Issue 13 -- The Patriarchs
- Jesus, the imperfect beacon: Issue 24, Issue 25, Issue 27, Issue 28, Issue 83, Issue 84, Issue 85, Issue 86
- Paul: the deceptive disciple: Issue 55, Issue 56, Issue 57, Issue 60, Issue 61, and Issue 62
- Children in Issue 65
- Issue 115 -- God creates evil, deceives, tells people to lie, and rewards liars
- Issue 116 -- God orders men to become drunken, rewards the fool and the transgressor, mingles a perverse spirit, causes indecency, spreads dung on faces, orders stealing, made false prophecies, changes his mind, causes adultery, orders the taking of a harlot, orders a man to purchase a wife, kills repeatedly, and orders killing
- Issue 117 -- God loses his temper, is often jealous, repents, practices injustice, and plays favorites
- Issue 118 -- God degrades deformed people, punishes bastards for being illegitimate, punishes many for the acts of one, punishes children for their fathers' sins, prevents people from hearing his words, supports human sacrifice, and orders cannibalism
- Issue 119 -- God demanded 16,000 virgins to be given to soldiers as war booty, orders gambling, requires an unbetrothed woman to marry her seducer, orders horses to be hamstrung, sanctions the degradation of the enemies' women, sanctions the beating of slaves to death, requires a woman to marry her rapist, trains people for war, orders the cooking of food with human feces, kills the righteous as well as the wicked, intentionally gave out bad laws, excused the sins of prostitutes and adulterers, excused a murderer and promised him protection, killed a man who refused to impregnate his widowed sister-in-law, aided rather than punished a swindler, and is indecisive
- Issue 120 -- God uncovers women's secret parts, breaks up families, orders the killing of children, killed over 50,000 people because of a few, mandated unlimited punishment for limited sins, and violated his own law on occasion
- Issue 156 -- abbreviated reprint of Dan Barker's pamphlet "Why Jesus?"
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See also Online Bibles (so you can look up this stuff yourself).