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Bible-sanctioned cruelties and other Biblical nastiness:
Gems from the
Luciferian Liberation Front
by Diane Vera
Copyright © 2003 by Diane Vera. All rights reserved.
The Luciferian Liberation Front is hosted on the website of the Ministry of Truth, an outgrowth of one of the best-known parody religions, the Church of the Subgenius.Please note: The Luciferian Liberation Front is intended as a JOKE. It might at first glance appear to be a serious organization. But see the paragraph titled "Get Out of Hell for Free!" near the bottom of the page titled Enlist In The Army of FreeThought! Also, the name "Ministry of Truth" is clearly intended to be ironic; it was the name of the government propaganda agency in George Orwell's novel 1984,
Nevertheless, the LLF site does an excellent job of exposing some of the more unsavory passages in the Christian Bible. It also parodies conspiracy theories and speculation about extraterrestrials. (Some readers have taken these parodies seriously as real warnings.)
- Relevant pages from the LLF site:
- Brief, Jack Chick-style "Anti-tracts":
- Longer articles with lots of Bible references:
Because the longer articles are quite long, I'll highlight the more interesting stuff below.
The most glaring nastiness can be found in the article The Bloody Bible. But the other articles too are quite useful in exposing the cruelty and injustice of the Biblical God.
- Comments on Bible Stories You Won't Hear in Sunday School:
Some of these stories ARE told in Sunday School, but in toned-down form. The originals are either very nasty or, in one way or another, contrary to standard Christian beliefs.
The stories are listed below:
- introduction
- The Creation
- Adam and Eve
- The Sons of God
- Noah's Ark
- Abraham ("Hustling Husband" and "Loving Father")
- Sodom and Gomorrah
- Jacob and Esau
- Moses and Pharaoh
- Moses, Advisor to the All-Mighty
- Moses Establishes Idol Worship
- Balaam and the Donkey
- Samson and Delilah
- Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
All these stories illustrate the Biblical God's cruelty and injustice to one degree or another.
One blatant example of sheer injustice is the story of Jacob and Esau. Jacob cheats his brother Esau twice. Esau at first vows revenge, but then forgives Jacob. Yet Jacob, not Esau, is the one favored by "God." The Bible tells us that God hated Esau (Romans 9:13) for no reason in particular.
"God" is fond of arbitrary cruelty, for no purpose other than his own "glory." In the story of Moses and Pharaoh:
With the release of the movie "The Prince of Egypt" the public is once again flooded with the biased version of the story of Moses and the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt. The Pharoh is always painted as an evil man who enslaved the Hebrews and did everything in his power to keep them as his slaves. We often wonder what could make a man so stubborn that it took numerous plagues and the death of his own firstborn before he let the Hebrews go free. The Bible tells us what could make a man so stubborn; God's manipulation.
Pharoh lost his free will in the matter because God was going to control Pharoh's heart and mind. God said that he would repeatedly make it so that Pharoh didn't let the people go just so he could prove his power to the Egyptians and the Hebrews. God wanted a chance to show off his mighty strength but the only way to do it was to manipulate the mind of Pharoh and the Egyptians would be the ones to pay the price. Each time Pharoh wanted to get rid of the Hebrews, God would harden his heart and then send a plague to harm the Egyptians. There is no explanation of what the individual Egyptians may have done to deserve the suffering that God's "showing off" brought them. God merely says that he is hardening Pharoh's heart so that Moses can brag about what God did to the Egyptians (Exodus 10:1-2)
Most Christians will find "God's" behavior in the above story to be at least mildly discomforting. Most Christians believe that "God" has given humans "free will" to choose good or evil.
But there are some Christians, e.g. Calvinists, who believe in predestination and deny free will. Calvinists fully accept "God's" arbitrariness and deny that "God" has any obligation to be just in any humanly meaningful sense.
If you happen to be arguing with a Calvinist, it is perhaps better to focus on stories in which "God" changes his mind. For example, in the story of Moses, Advisor to the All-Mighty, the Biblical God is portrayed as an egomaniac who can be swayed by flattery:
A popular Bible story tells how the Hebrews made a golden calf and began to worship it while Moses was on the Mount getting the ten commandments from God. Once God realized that the people had gone astray, he decided he would kill all his chosen people and start all over with Moses, making a "great nation" out of his offspring, like he had promised to do with Abraham's offspring. Moses reasons with God (a very brave thing to do considering God's short temper) telling God,
"If you kill them all, then the Egyptians will make fun of you, saying that you went through all the trouble of dragging them out of Egypt just to kill them in the desert. Besides, you already swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Israel that you would give the land to their seed. If you kill their seed, then you will have broken your oath." (Exodus 32 :11-13)
Apparently Moses hit God in a soft spot (God's overinflated EGO) because God changed his mind and "repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people." (Exodus 32:14) We must point out that this statement is in contradiction to elsewhere in the Bible where it states that God doesn't need to repent because he doesn't make mistakes (Numbers 23:19)
This isn't the only time that God has to be reminded of his promises or given advice on the irrationality of some of his decisions. Moses repeatedly had to keep God from utterly killing his "chosen people" by reasoning with him. When the people complained because God was not meeting their physical demands (they were starving or dying of thirst because he either forgot about them or just didn't care enough to provide them with their necessary sustenance), God responded by killing them, often by the thousands. (Numbers 11:1-2, 33) It was Moses who had to calm God down and save the people from annihilation. At one point, the people were so tired of the poor living conditions that they desired to return to bondage in Egypt rather than dying in the desert. God got angry and swore to destroy them all, once again telling Moses that he would make a great nation out of Moses' offspring instead of Abraham's. Moses told God the following:
"If you do that, the Egyptians will hear about it and they will make fun of you and they will tell all the other inhabitants of this land and then THEY will make fun of you also. They will say that God wasn't able to keep his word and take them to the land he promised them so he just killed them instead. Besides, you are supposed to have great mercy aren't you? Let's see some of that longsuffering and mercy, okay?" (Numbers 14:13-19)
Moses was once more able to change God's mind by playing on his ego and God took Moses' advice and didn't kill everybody. Believers don't want to know that a human is better able to deal with stress and use reason than their "perfect" God is, but that is exactly what happened repeatedly in the Bible.
Some of these stories also contradict standard Christian (including Calvinist) theology in other ways, e.g. by portraying "God" as a being with only finite knowledge and power. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah:
The Bible tells us that God had heard that the people of those cities were doing something "very grievous" (Genesis 18:20) so God was going to go down and see if things were as bad as he had heard. Why an all-knowing God needed to go "see for himself" is a mystery.
- Comments on Sex in God's Word:
Given the prudery of many hardcore Christians, the sheer amount of explicit sex talk in the Bible will be shocking to some.
Most modern readers will also find some of the relevant Bible passages to be quite disgusting for reasons other than just their sexual explicitness.
- introduction
- Biblical Sex Talk
- Incest is Best
- Too Much is Always Better Than Not Enough
- Forced Entry
- The Oldest Profession
- Sexual Mutilation
- Dirty, Disgusting Discharges
- Happy and Gay
- Take My Wife...PLEASE!
- Indecent Exposure
- Sacred Sex
- Sex, Drugs and Husband Swapping
- The Weaker Sex
- Swearing an Oath
- Beauty and the Beast
- Jehovah's Potty
- Solomon's Steamy Song of Sleaze
- The Sons of God Need Lovin' Too
The article begins with a very interesting discussion of Biblical Sex Talk, explaining how the more sexually explicit passages in the Bible have been watered down in their English translations.
The next section exposes the Bible's ambivalent attitude toward incest, which is officially forbidden, but quite a few major Biblical characters do get away with it,
The section titled Too Much is Always Better Than Not Enough points out, correctly, that the Bible nowhere decrees monogamy for men. Polygyny is perfectly OK according to the Bible.
The article neglects to mention the New Testament passages which require bishops and deacons to have only one wife (1 Timothy 3:2, 1 Timothy 3:12, Titus 1:6). But that's just bishops and deacons, not men in general. Nowhere is polygyny forbidden or even strongly discouraged for men in general. Why, then, do most Christians insist on monogamy? Because monogamy was the custom in much of pagan Europe, that's why.
"Adultery," in the Bible, meant sex between a married woman and a man other than her husband. In the section titled Take My Wife...PLEASE!:
The punishment for committing adultery was death (Leviticus 20:10). If a man suspected that his wife had committed adultery there was a test that could be performed to determine whether she had been faithful or not. If the suspecting man brought the priest an offering (bribe) then the priest would mix a concoction of water and dirt from off the floor of the temple which he would make the woman drink. If the woman got sick after drinking the water, it was because she had committed adultery. If she was innocent she would then be able to get pregnant (Numbers 5:11-31). Fortunately, modern forensics doesn't rely on such superstitious hogwash to determine fidelity or paternity.
Women were regarded as property. According to the section on The Weaker Sex:
The fact that women were mere property is made readily apparent by the manner in which women were treated in the Bible. Fathers could sell their daughters into slavery (Exodus 21:7), use them for protection from mobs (Genesis 19:8, Judges 19:24), offer them as rewards for assasins (Joshua 15:16-17), or murder them as a human sacrifice, if God so demands (Judges 11:30-31, 34-40). Men could rape with relative impunity (Exodus 22:16-17, Deut. 22:28-29), taking women or girls as war booty (Numbers 31:17-18, Deut. 21:10-14) and enslaving as many women as he could afford to keep through the Godly practice of polygamy (Exodus 21:10).
[...] Taking women as property during war was ordained of God. When God told his people how to properly invade a foreign city, he told them that if the city didn't surrender peacefully and agree to be slaves, the Hebrews were to kill all the men in the city and take the women and the rest of the property for themselves (Deuteronomy 20:10-14). Of course, this guidance only applied to those cities which were very far away. The cities which God had given them for an inheritance were to have all living things in them killed (Deuteronomy 20:15-16).
As for rape, in the section on Forced Entry:
Dealing with a rapist by offering him your daughter's hand in marriage might seem barbaric to modern readers but the Bible says that if you raped a woman who wasn't already betrothed (engaged or promised to someone) all he had to do was pay her father a fee and she had to marry her rapist (Exodus 22:16-17, Deut. 22:28-29).
One of the more disgusting Bible stories tells of a man who was traveling through the land of the Benjamites (one of the tribes of Israel) with his concubine and was staying at an old man's house when a gang of men came to the house and demanded that the man turn himself over to the mob so they could rape him. The old man tried to dissuade them from raping his guest by offering the mob his own virgin daughter and the other man's concubine instead. The crowd decides to take the man's concubine after which they proceed to rape and abuse her all night long. When dawn comes they release her and she drags herself back to the old man's house, dying on the front step. The man comes out and sees her laying on the doorstep and tells her "Get up, let's get going," but she is dead. So the man carries her dead body back home and cuts her up into 12 pieces and then sends those pieces all across the country just to show how horribly he had been treated while he was a guest of the Benjaminites (Judges 19:16-29). As a result of the outrage this inspires, the tribe of Benjamin is practically exterminated, leaving only a few hundred men to survive. This type of injustice is common in the Bible. God often set the example by punishing entire groups when he was angry rather than punishing the individuals who actually commited the crime.
Finally, for sheer stomach-turning disgustingness, it's hard to beat the Bible passages cited in the section on Jehovah's Potty, about hemorrhoids, shit-eating, piss-drinking, and God's farts:
One of the more unusual types of plagues which God unleashed on humanity was the plague of hemorrhoids. The biblical term for hemorrhoid is "emerod" and God threatened to give them to his own people in Deuteronomy 28:27. God also sent the plague of hemorrhoids to his enemy, the Philistines (1 Samuel 5:6-12) because they had stolen the ark of the covenant. After seven months of torment, the Philistines were willing to do just about anything to get rid the hemorrhoids and the plagues of mice which God had cursed their land with. God told the Philistine priests and diviners that they had to return the ark but that it wasn't to come back alone. They were to send a trespass offering of five golden replicas of their hemorrhoids and five golden statues of mice with it (1 Samuel 6:1-18). The Philistines did this and gave the ark got back to the Israelites, who peeked inside to see if the Philistines had stolen the holy items that were supposed to be inside the ark God had warned them not to look inside the ark and as a result of their curiosity, God killed 50,070 of God's chosen men, the Israelites (1 Samuel 6:19-21).
God's anal fixation in the Bible extended to the human products of excretion. God threatened to spread feces on the faces of his disobedient priests (Malachi 2:1-3). God also commanded Ezekiel to bake his bread with human feces. Ezekiel protested that he had never put anything unclean into his mouth and God relented by saying that he could bake his bread with cow feces instead (Ezekiel 4:10-17). Gee, thanks God.
The Bible tells us that during a famine in Samaria, the people were so desperate for food that they bought and sold the feces of doves for the equivalent of three dollars a pint (2 Kings 6:25)
The Bible also paints a pretty picture in its literary imagery of men urinating on walls (1 Samuel 25:22, 35:34, 1 Kings 14:10, 16:11, 21:21, 2 Kings 9:8). As if that weren't enough, the filthy Bible describes men eating their own feces and drinking their own urine (2 Kings 18:27, Isaiah 36:12).
God even claims that his farts will sound like a harp for the Moabites (Isaiah 16:11). What's that ungodly stench?
- Comments on The Bloody Bible:
This article contains a vast collection of Biblical horrors.
- introduction
- Sacrifice - The Ultimate Sin
- Thou Shalt Not Kill...Unless I Tell You To
- Life is God's to Give or Take
- The Wrath of God
- Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto Me
- Love Your Neighbor Then Bash in his Skull
- Pro-Life?
- Inhumanity
- Perfect Justice
- Blessed are the Peacemakers
- Kill 'em All, Let God Sort 'em Out
As the introduction to this article says:
The greatest atrocities that man has had to endure at the hand of his fellow man have been in the name of GOD. The pages of the Bible are painted red with blood spilled to please this bloodthirsty vampire known as "God."
The Bible reveals an important, yet often overlooked trait of God's nature and that is his thirst for blood. From the beginning of his dealings with man he has shown his preference for spilled blood; he accepted Able's offering of sheep's blood and rejected Cain's offering of grains and plants (Genesis 4:3-5). God has told man that the shedding of blood is required to be forgiven of sins (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22). In the Old Testament, millions of animals were slaughtered and their blood poured onto altars and burned in a futile attempt to please God. The smoke from the burning flesh and blood was such a sweet scent to God (Exodus 29:18, Leviticus 1:9), that his anger was appeased when he smelled the sweet, burning blood (Genesis 8:21) Even the human/god sacrifice of Jesus is compared to the sweet smelling barbecue of an animal (Epehsians 5:2). Why is blood so sweet to this vampiric God? Why is blood required to be spilled in order to receive forgiveness from this "merciful" God? Don't ask these questions, "just believe," you will be told. Besides why risk ending up in an eternal barbecue just because things smell a little strange to you?
Very well put. Now for the gory specifics:
The section on Sacrifice - The Ultimate Sin describes many examples of not just animal sacrifice, but also human sacrifice, apparently approved by "God." Two examples:
God sends Jephthah's daughter out to him as a sign that he is to kill her and offer her as a human sacrifice. God doesn't change his mind on this one. A possible reflection of the ancient Hebrew value of women versus their value of men. - Judges 11:30-39
After capturing all the Midianite women and children, God commands Moses to kill the women and the male children and to "keep the virgin girls alive for yourselves." Moses then proceeds to offer 32 of the 32,000 virgin girls to God as a "tribute." We know from Leviticus 27:29 that these 32 girls would not be allowed to stay alive but were offered as a heave offering (burnt on the sacrificial altar) to the Lord. - Numbers 31:17-18,40-41
The section on Thou Shalt Not Kill...Unless I Tell You To lists many examples of God commanding the massacre of various peoples. The general principles are:
God makes it very clear that they are not to show mercy to any of the cities that God tells them to invade, ordering them to kill man, woman and child and utterly destroy them. - Deuteronomy 7:10
God makes an exception to his "kill them all" policy only when the Israelites decide to invade a kingdom that God hasn't told them that they can have. If they decide to take some land without God's prior approval, they are to first call a truce to the city. If the city accepts the truce, the Israelites are to capture everything in the city and make all the people their slaves. But if the city doesn't accept their "truce" they are to besiege the city until the city collapses, then they are to kill all the males in the city and capture the women and livestock. Then God reiterates his prior command that if he gives a city to them, they are to utterly destroy them and "thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth." Quite a far stretch from "Thou shalt not kill" isn't it? - Deuteronomy 20:10-17
Just two of the many examples given in the article are these:
God, the Warlord, tells Joshua to lead the people to a city called "Ai" and he gives them a battle plan. Joshua enacts this brilliant plan by hiding some of his army on one side of the city's walls and attacking the city with a smaller group on the other side. When Joshua attacked the city, he pretended that he was outnumbered and fled from the defenders of Ai. All the men in the city of Ai pursued the retreating Israelites, leaving the city undefended. At that time, the hiding Israelites ran into the undefended city and set it on fire. The men of Ai turned in horror upon hearing the screams of their burning loved ones and it was as they tried to return to the aid of their burning women and children that the army of God slaughtered all the men of Ai. Then as the remaining women and children tried to flee the burning city, God's chosen army cut them down "so that they let none of them remain or escape." 12,000 people were killed in the massacre. The only remaining survivor was the king, who Joshua hung from a tree after making him watch the destruction of his beloved city, then they threw his dead body onto the remains of the city gate's entrance. Such is the love and mercy of God and his chosen people. - Joshua 8:1-29
God commands one of his prophets to walk through the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the forehead of the men who are crying out about the wickedness of the city. God then sends out some other men to kill everyone in the city who isn't owned by one of the men who have the mark on their foreheads. God tells the men not to spare or have mercy or pity on anyone: "Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women." These men obey God's word and the streets run with the blood of the innocent. If you were the child or wife of a man who didn't happen to be crying about the abominations of the city when the prophet came by, you would be killed. When the prophet realized the horror that God intended, he begged God not to do such an evil thing. God replied to the prophet that he wouldn't change his mind or be merciful or have pity on the people of the city. Tell this story the next time a Christian tries to tell you, "For God so loved the world..."- Ezekiel 9:3-10
In the section titled Life is God's to Give or Take
Sometimes God isn't content to wait for his human lackeys to kill for him and he takes his bloody vengeance into his own hands. Why he couldn't just make people disappear instead of causing them to die in excruciatingly painful manners is a reflection of God's true, sadistic nature.
One of the many examples given is this:
While the Israelites were traveling from Egypt, one of the tribes had the special job of being priests. The priests got the best food and lived the easiest existence, having to only perform rituals for their keep. When three men from another tribe see the injustice of this caste system, they ask Moses, "Since we are all God's chosen people, why are some of us placed in positions that others have to bow down to or work for?" When God hears what is going on, he is determined to show these ancient freethinkers exactly how he responds to people who try to use reason. Moses has 250 men from the questioning men's tribe hold up incense like the regular priests do. God then tells Moses to step back so that he can burn up the entire congregation, guilty and innocent alike. Moses falls on his face and pleads with God, "You're a really great God. You're not going to destroy the entire congregation just because one man has sinned are you?" God then changes his plan and tells Moses to move the people away from the tents of the three men who were asking all those annoying questions. God then proceeds to open up the earth and swallow the houses, wives, children, servants, animals, and property of the men who dared to question God's caste system. After the ground has closed on them, God sends out a fire which burns up the other 250 men. He then tells Moses that the remains of the burned men and the incense holders they carried are "holy." And modern believers say that God abhors human sacrifice! - Numbers 16:32-35
In the section on The Wrath of God:
The majority of the conversations which God has with his chosen people involve him threatening to destroy someone in some hideous fashion or other. In these childish displays of temper, God reveals his true nature.
Quite a few gruesome examples are presented, such as these two:
Not content to simply kill, God graphically describes how he will punish those that have made him angry, "And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. And so shall be the plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the beasts that shall be in these tents, as this plague. Zechariah 14:12,15
Reminiscent of a scene from Hellraiser, God threatens to tear the flesh away with hooks and to tear the children with fishhooks. - Amos 4:2
Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto Me describes the Biblical god's cruelties to children:
God threatens to send wild beasts among his chosen people that will steal their children from them and eat them. He then tells them that if they still don't obey him, he will cause them to eat their own children. - Leviticus 26:22,29
Apparently, God likes to threaten his people with the horrible idea of eating their own children because he mentions it again. - Deuteronomy 28:53
And again... - Jeremiah 19:9
One of the prophets dares to ask God, "Think about who you're doing this to. Are you going to make women eat their babies and children much longer?" - Lamentations 2:20, 4:10
One woman goes to see the king because she had made a deal with another woman that had been broken. She tells the king, "This woman said to me, bring your son so we may eat him today and we will eat my son tomorrow. So we boiled my son, and ate him and I said to her the next day, bring your son so we can eat him and she hid her son from me." When the king tried to get the prophet to make the horror stop, the prophet said, "Behold this evil is of the Lord." We are in total agreement. - 2 Kings 6:28-29, 33
Even God understands how annoying the tauntings of children can be. When God's prophet is taunted and called "baldhead" by some children, God sends two bears down to kill 42 of the disrespectful little brats. - 2 Kings 2:23-24
We have already pointed out numerous examples where children were killed by God or in God's name. When God threatens his chosen people he makes sure they know that the people who will take their little children and slam them against the stones will be happy. - Psalms 137:9
God continues this graphic imagery, telling them that "Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes...and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eye shall not spare children." Of course, the fact that the Israelites had practiced this same brotherly love and mercy earlier, on the same people that will do these things to them, isn't mentioned.- Isaiah 13:16 Hosea 13:16
Love Your Neighbor Then Bash in his Skull presents assorted gruesomeness, such as:
Abimelech became king over God's people whereupon he killed his 70 brothers then killed everyone in a city (in the process, burning 1,000 men and women in a tower) and when he tried to invade another city, a woman dropped a rock on his head. Before he could die he had his servant kill him so that no one could say that he was killed by a woman. - Judges 9:5,44-45,49, 53-54
In the midst of the battles which David inspired, the Bible makes a graphic description of a man being disemboweled and wallowing in his own blood on the road. - 2 Samuel 20:10-12
In the section titled Pro-Life?
One of God's chosen people killed the king of Israel and sat on the throne only to be replaced by another who killed him, then another killed that one. This king of God's chosen people went to a city and killed everyone in it. He also took the pregnant women and "ripped them up." - 2 Kings 15:16
One of God's prophets begs God to give one of the tribes of Israel "a miscarrying womb and dry breasts." Not only does he want God to make them abort, he wants the women to be unable to feed whatever children they do have. Is this what you would call "pro-life?" - Hosea 9:14
This same prophet proclaims that the people of Samaria, "shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up." - - Hosea 13:16
In the section titled Inhumanity:
The Bible condones slavery as being okay. It even goes so far as to say that you can beat a slave to death as long as he doesn't die right away. That way, the murderer loses money by having to take care of the dying slave and afterall "it's his money that he's losing." - Exodus 21:20-21
The method of execution used by God's people was nearly always excruciatingly cruel. For instance, when a man took a garment, some silver and a piece of gold from a city that had been destroyed, Joshua had the man, his sons, daughters, oxen, asses and sheep all stoned with stones and then burned with fire. - Joshua 7:24-25
King David sets an example that will be later used by godly men during the crusades and the inquisition by taking the inhabitants of all the cities of Ammon and cutting them up with saws and axes and harrows of iron. - 1 Chronicles 20:3
And then some more passages about starving people eating their own children, including the the following very graphic depiction:
"Who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones; who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh with the cauldron." Remember God said he would cause them to eat their own children because they wouldn't worship only him. Not only a jealous God, but exceedingly cruel also! - Micah 3:2-3
From Perfect Justice:
If a woman tries to defend her husband and accidentally touches the genitals of another man while fighting she is to have her hand cut off. - Deuteronomy 25:11
If a son is stubborn or rebellious, he is to be stoned to death. - Deuteronomy 21:18-2
If a man hates his wife all he has to do is accuse her of not being a virgin when he married her. If her parents can't provide a bloody sheet to prove that she was a virgin on her wedding night, she is to be stoned to death. - Deuteronomy 22:13-21
If a woman is raped and doesn't cry out she is to be stoned to death. - Deuteronomy 22:23-24
If the daughter of a priest is promiscuous she is to be burnt to death. - Leviticus 21:9
Other capital offenses include:
- A husband and wife having sex during the woman's period.
- Homosexual acts.
- Having sex with an animal.
- Not being circumcised.
- Working on the Sabbath.
- Offering sacrifices improperly.
- Butchering an animal without offering the blood to "God."
- Blasphemy.
- Studying astrology.
- Worshipping a god other than Yahweh
Blessed are the Peacemakers cites some of the nastier sayings of Jesus, such as these:
The loving Jesus introduces a new form of cruelty to mankind: the concept of an eternal barbecue called, "HELL" where there will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. Now, God gets to enjoy the smell of burning humans for all eternity. Thank you JESUS! - Matthew 3:12, 8:12, 10:21, 13:30, 42, 22:13, 24:51, 25:30, Luke 13:28, John 5:24
"Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth: I did not come to bring peace, I came to bring a sword. I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man's enemies will be the members of his own family. He who loves his father or mother or son or daughter more than he loves me is not worthy of me." - Matthew 10:34-37
Finally, the section titled Kill 'em All, Let God Sort 'em Out talks briefly about the bloody history of Christendom, including the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the witchhunts.
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