Theistic Satanism: Home > Rituals, etc. > Standard ritual > Greetings > Fire (South)

Greetings to the Princes and the Legions of Hell
in a ritual emphasizing Fire (South)

by Diane Vera

Copyright © 2003, 2010 by Diane Vera. All rights reserved.

The Greetings to the Princes and the Legions are a part of my recommended standard ritual format, intended to be said immediately after the preliminary Invocation to Satan.

This version is for a ritual emphsizing the element of Fire.

You should already be facing your altar, facing South (if you're in the Northern hemisphere; North if you're in the southern hemisphere). Raise your left hand, either with fist clenched or in a "sign of the horns" salute, and say:

Hail, Iblis!
Fire-born One!
God of our innermost Will!
God of our deepest passions,
Prince of the power of Fire!

Hail, Legions of the South!

Hail, Iblis!

(You may find it helpful to visualize Iblis as suggested here.)

Then turn to the east and say:

Hail, Lucifer-Azazel!
Light which comes forth from darkness!
God of freedom, who sheds light
on all that is hidden and forbidden!
Prince of the power of the Air!

Hail, Legions of the East!

Hail, Lucifer-Azazel!

(You may find it helpful to visualize Lucifer-Azazel as suggested here.)

Then turn to the north and say:

Hail, Belial!
Ruler of the Earth!
God of this world,
God of our flesh,
Prince of the power of Earth!

Hail, Legions of the North!

Hail, Belial!

(You may find it helpful to visualize Belial as suggested here.)

Then turn to the west, and say:

Hail, Ancient Serpent! Dragon of the primal sea!
God of the depths, who opens our eyes,
and rends the veils between the worlds!
Prince of the power of the Waters!

Hail, Legions of the West!

Hail, Ancient Serpent!

(You may find it helpful to visualize the Ancient Serpent as suggested here.)

Then turn to the south and say again:

Hail, Iblis!
Fire-born One!
God of our innermost Will!
God of our deepest passions,
Prince of the power of Fire!

Hail, Legions of the South!

Hail, Iblis!

Stand in a relaxed position, Look downward toward the floor between your feet. Visualize yourself looking all the way down to the Earth's molten core. Your arms should be down at your sides, hands open, receptive, palms somewhat downward, fingers extended somewhat downward and somewhat outward in whichever direction feels most natural and comfortable. (Practice this position before the first time you perform this ritual.) As you say the following, visualize hot, dark energy rising up from the Earth's core into your hands and feet. Say::

Hail, Dark One!
Infernal Mystery! Hidden Muse! Black Flame!
King of the depths,
Ruler of this world!

Hail, Legions of the Pit!

Hail, Dark One!

(The Dark One is nameless and formless, representing the hidden depths.)

Still looking down, pause and contemplate the nameless Dark One for few moments.

Then raise your head and raise your arms to an approximately horizontal position, outstretched to your sides, and say:

Hail, Satan! Ruler of this world!

(Visualize the energy of Satan pervading the entire world.)

Then look up, raise both arms above your head, and say:

Hail, Satan!
Hail, Azazel!

(For some information about Azazel, see Azazel in Infernal names, directional correspondences, etc..)

You are now ready for the centerpiece of your ritual, whatever that may be, depending on the purpose of the ritual.

Important notes:

  1. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, the directions north and south should be transposed. Turn clockwise instead of counterclockwise, and greet Iblis in the north and Belial in the south instead of vice versa.
  2. For more information about the names Leviathan, Iblis, Samael, Lucifer, Belial, Lilith, and Azazel, see Infernal names, directional correspondences, etc.
  3. .

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