Theistic Satanism: Home > Rituals, etc. > For women only > Healing menstrual cramps
A healing visualization for menstrual cramps
by Diane Vera
Copyright © 2011 by Diane Vera. All rights reserved.
Back in my late twenties, I developed a healing visualization to get rid of menstrual cramps. I can't promise that it will work for everyone, but, for me, it worked so well that not only did I manage to get rid of cramps almost completely, but I looked forward to the burst of energy I would get on the first day of my period. Most other women I've shared this with have found it to be at least somewhat helpful.The basic idea of the visualization is this: (1) Visualize your womb as containing a ball of tightly compressed energy. If you're feeling cramps, imagine that what you are feeling is your womb straining to hold onto and compress the energy. The energy itself should have a "dark" feel, like the feel of the air before a thunderstorm. (2) As often as you need to, visualize yourself releasing the compressed energy. When you release it, visualize it shooting out from your womb in all directions, throughout the rest of your body. The energy itself should still have that "dark," pre-storm feel -- although, at the moment you release it, you may also find it helpful to visualize it as a lightning flash.
It helps a lot to have suitable background music. The music can be of a variety of genres, but should be lively and very danceable, and should also have a "dark" flavor. While doing the visualization, it helps a lot to let your body spontaneously move to the music. As the "dark" energy shoots out from you womb and fills your body, let it move you to the music.
Also it helps to do stretching exercises during the first part of the visualization, before you release the energy. Then switch to spontaneous dancing during a series of visualizations of your womb releasing the energy.
Besides the visualization and accompanying music and physical movements described above, another excellent way to get rid of cramps is to have sex or masturbate -- if you feel so inclined. On the other hand, the visualization can be effective regardless of whether you're feeling sexy.
I developed the visualization back in the days when I was a Goddess-oriented Pagan. which I was for several years before I became a theistic Satanist. The visualization was inspired by my reading of The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions by Paula Gunn Allen, who claimed that the origin of menstrual taboos was not in a belief that menstruating women were "unclean," but rather a belief that menstruating women emitted powerful energies which, due to their sheer volume, overwhelmed and interfered with the men's hunting magic. It occurred to me to wonder whether there might be some truth to this idea, and, if so, whether there might a way that I could tap into these powerful energies. That's how I came up with the visualization.
Feedback appreciated. Let me know how well this visualization works for you, or if there are any improvements you would like to suggest.
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