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Elmira Prison Camp OnLine Library -
Government Documents: August, 1865

Washington, D. C., August 2, 1865.

Brigadier General E. D. TOWNSEND,

Assistant Adjutant-General, U. S. Army:

GENERAL: I have the honor to report that the following-named prison stations have been vacated and the buildings may now be disposed of as may best promote the interests of the service, viz: Depot at Elmira, N. Y.; depot on Hart's Island, N. Y.; depot at Point Lookout, Md.; Camp Chase, Camp Morton, Camp Douglas, and Rock Island. At Point Lookout the buildings, fencing, &c., were erected at the expense of the prison fund, but at the other prisons they were built in part at the expense of the Quartermaster's Department and in part were paid for from the prison fund. At Fort Delaware there are barracks for a regiment, paid for from the prison fund, and extensive prison barracks, hospital, and fencing, erected partly by the Quartermaster's Department and partly by the prison fund. As the prisoners of war have all been released from Fort Delaware, the regiment of infantry is no longer required to guard them, and all the buildings may be sold or otherwise disposed of as may be most expedient. The depot at Newport News has been vacated and the property turned over to the Quartermaster's Department.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Bvt. Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Commissary-General of Prisoners.