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Elmira Prison Camp OnLine Library

Civil War Interactive 4 Star Award

Order of Merit Award

1991 Historic Site Award

34th Texas Award

Dixieland Ring Award

Civil War Site of Excellence

Best of the Web 99

Military Division of the Mississippi Award

Starsaber's Award

Click Here to apply for this award for your site. Shape history - Today will be yesterday come tomorrow...

Great Historic Site Award

American Civil War Excellence Award

6th Tennessee Reg Award Website of Excellence

WBWnominee.jpg 101x139

Membership Badge Showcase

buffalo.jpg 212x212

lacav2002.gif 216x170

tigeraward2.gif 84x116

cyaward.jpg 277x179

8gaawd2.jpg 107x138

ryawrd.jpg 184x193

award2give2.gif 153x224

2002Award.jpg 112x150

1acaward2002.jpg 236x186

BeaconGold.jpg 164x74

topsite2.gif 87x158

georawd.jpg 200x200

elmira1.jpg 222x272

Clan McLean Connections Awarded by:
"Clan McLean Connections"

SouthArtaward.gif 166x234