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Skip & Jerry Mudge
6605 Mallard Park Dr
Charlotte, NC 28269



Each year, we want our Holiday Footprints Newsletter to be an encouragement to those who are facing their 1st or 2nd year without their child or loved one.  We ask our readers if they have anything they would like to contribute?  A favorite story?  A poem?  New traditions they use to honor their memory?  How do they handle Thanksgiving and/or Christmas or New Years?  These are some of the replies we received. 



O Lord, there sit apart in lonely places,
At this, the gladdest time of the year
Some stricken ones with sad and weary faces
To whom the throught of Christmas brings no cheer.
For these, O Father, our petition hear
And send the comforting Christ Child near.

Lord, some sit by lonely hearthstones sobbing,
Who feel this night all earthly love denied,
Who hear but dirges in the loud bells throbbing
For Loved Ones lost who blessed last Christmas tide.
For thesse, O Father, our petition hear
And send the loving Christ Child very near.

~Author Unknown~
Copied from Bereaved Parents Share: Poems of Hope & Comfort

~Clifford & Donna Scheck~

Since we lost our first two children in 1999 we had put up two Christmas trees, our traditional tree and an Angel tree for the kids (full of angel ornaments) ~ after we lost our daughter last year we did not put up a tree for Christmas.  The last few Christmas' she had picked out the tree and we had all decorated it, we just could not bring ourselves to even look at Christmas trees; however this year we have a granddaughter who will be about 8 months old at Christmas time, we plan to put the angel tree up for her.

So I guess the new tradition to honor our children's memories is to put up an Angel Ornament Tree for them.

Clifford & Donna have lost three children.  Savanna (age 10) and Clifford (age 8) were returning from walking to a store and were about 10 feet up the driveway when a drunk driver lost control of his car and ran over both of them.  Their daughter, Cansus (age 16) was a passenger in a car that was coming to a stop for a red light when they were hit by a drunk driver from behind.  This shoved them into an intersection, hitting another car, which caused them to hit a utility pole, which caught the car on fire.  All five kids were burned beyond recognition.  The Schecks are involved with MADD, speaking at Impact Panels held at the police station etc. 

~Gloria Durham ~ Grandmother~

Here is a poem that my grandson wrote before he died.  He wanted to play football but because of the diabetes his weight was hard to control.  He had to weigh less than 90 to 100 pounds for tackle football.  He weighed 85 pounds and we would get to 88 and he would start eating the wrong things without me knowing about it.  So his weight would go up and down not getting to 90 or above, so we played touch football.

Something we are doing in honor of his memory:

At the time of his death it was said to be suicide, but it was revealed to several children that evil played a part in that act of suicide.  My niece's 5 year old son said that the devil lied to Marquise and told him he wouldn't die.  One of his friends at church gave his mom a picture that he had drawn.  The picture had an imp (demon, or worker of evil) with his hands in a pushing position over a coffin or gravestone.  I believe his interest in those Pokemon cards and Uoko cards released the demon that convinced him to try the stunt.  He had seen a movie where the person got shot down or cut down from being hanged and lived.  Every chance I get I tell young people that the devil is real and he is using every means to steal, kill and destroy you while you are young.  The cards have pictures of demon looking creatures and words that don't look like English that very well could be a spell or incantation to call a demon up or out.  The church also ministered to the parents about monitoring toys and games for the present of evil.  Bloody video games, evil looking toys, and games about evil, these items are just setting up your child for a visit from evil.  I know for a fact that it is so easy to just say it is harmless, what can a toy or playing card do?  Because this is how I felt about those Pokemon cards.

By Regina Singletary ~ mother of Delen Singletary

D is for your daring spirit, so free and unafraid as you walked the path to Heaven.  We know you did not fear for Jesus and Pops was ever so near.

Oh how we love you!

E is for your spakling eyes, so bright, so loving always looking for love and gently, tenderly giving it out to all who loved you.

Oh how we love you!

L is for your life, your laughter that so filled our hearts with your priceless, precious love that endures forever and makes our lives worth living.

Oh how we love you!

E is for your eternal faith that was deep in your soul and how you spread that faith wide like the wings of an eagle soaring far above the troubles life brings, higher and brighter towards the sky..........on the wings of faith & prayer.

Oh how we love you!

N means Never forgetting who you were, what your life means to those who loved you.  Knowing that you Delen Singletary have left us all with a little part of Heaven.

Oh how we love you!

"I can't seem to move forward since Delen's death.  I kind of feel stuck.  I would love to put his poem in the Holiday Newsletter.  Maybe some how it will help me to get thru this year.  Thanks for all your good work and prayers."

~Ron & June Gorman~

Since we lost our beloved son, Dan, we remember him on holidays, his birthday, and the anniversary of our losing him by lighting a candle and letting it burn until we turn in for the night.  On Christmas we leave his chair empty and have a candle lit there at the table also.  It is really hard for us but in a sense he is with us.  He is forever in our hearts.

On Dan's birthday and anniversary we also put flowers on the altar at the Church in his memory.......Afterwards we take the flowers out to the cemetery.

These are some of our new traditions as we struggle with our "new norm."

In loving memory of our son, Daniel
April 14, 1969 - August 11, 2002


Thanksgiving has many meanings for us
Originally it was for thanks in God we Trust
It was a time for remembering why we were here
Our forefathers came for freedom so dear
Each of us would celebrate in our own way
Family and friends all happy that day
The weather outside had no effect
Everything was ready the table was set
This year is different as a place is bare
A loved one is gone who once sat there
Our thoughts of celebration have turned to grief
Thanksgiving is different as we are in disbelief
We think of all the things to be thankful today
But thoughts of our loved who passed away
Comes into our minds like it was yesterday
The table once surrounded by happy faces
Now is filled with memories and empty spaces
Still you bow your head and thank God above
For all the things present and blessings of love
In ending your prayer you add one more line
Dear God I hope my loved one is fine
You have not forgotten your loved one that day
Your loved one lives on in God's truth and way.

By: Robert Walters Sr.
Used with permission


We remember the song Auld Lang Syne
This closes the year we are to leave behind
12 months have come and we are alive
Wondering how we ever survived
We grew this year and we learned some things
We learned what understanding and compassion brings
Forgiveness we may not yet allow
Time will tell us when and how
The tragic event that we still endure
Is cradled in love so fine and so pure
Some days a memory brings tears to our eyes
The question still unanswered is we don't know why
On New Year's Eve when the ball comes down
How many of us will still wear a frown
What will the New Year bring to our life
Will it bring an end to our pain and strife
These are things I have no answer for
We have survived 12 months once more
So as the song is played one more time
Remember the words of Auld Lang Syne

By: Robert Walters Sr.
Used with permission

I found my son and cried
I wish it was I who had died
Robert Walters Sr.
Dad of Robbie
8/16/1973 - 12/14/2002

Please visit Robert's web site
 ~Families Of Suicide Victims~

Written for Kevin Dolan Adams
Gayle Robinson (Mom)

You helped me to rake the leaves
Then stumbled through each pile
Two little feet so quick & sure
Were with me all the while.

Next we cleared the flowerbeds
Of weeds and fallen limbs
It pleased you so, that I seemed to play
Through all your childish whims.

We toiled the ground with a hoe
And ever so gently you dropped in the bulbs
Full of joy we sang a tune....
Anticipating for Spring to come and make our flowers grow.

Then you helped me wash the car
Each tiny smear a work of art
For little hands are ever so precious
To your mother's heart.


As we light these four candles in honor of you, we light one for our GRIEF, one for our COURAGE, one for our MEMORIES and one for our LOVE.

The first candle represents our GRIEF.  The pain of losing you is intense.  It reminds us of the depth of our love for you.

The second candle represents our COURAGE - to comfort our sorrow, to comfort each other, to change our lives.

The third candle is in your MEMORY - the times we laughed, the times we cried, the times we were angry with each other, the silly things you did, the caring and joy you gave us.

This light is for the light of LOVE.

As we enter this holiday season, day by day, we cherish the special place in our hearts that will always be reserved for you.  We thank you for the gift your living brought to each of us.  We love you.

From Holiday Help: Coping for the Bereaved
by Sherry Gibson & Sandra Graves

In Honor Of Granddaughter Melissa

The first year my only granddaughter died, I didn't know what to do to honor her for the holidays.  She had died the day she was born, so, I had no sweet memories to hold....only the promise of possibilities that would never be fulfilled.

I bought a handcrafted Christmas tree ornament that reminded me of what she might be like.  The first year was hard as I hung the ornament on the tree.  My tears seemed to make the lights around it shine all the brighter.  I spent time with my thoughts of her and the dreams that would never be and somehow, having her near, as with the ornaments for my grandsons, made the holidays bearable.  Now, as times go on (she would be 9), I take time to tell her what has happened in the past year.  Seeing that beautiful ornament fills me with joy and reminds me that she will always be a part of me and my family.

Founder of:


Sam, Brian and me are doing OK, its and has been a tough month for us, but by the grace of Jesus and our faith and hope we are getting by day by day...we did as we have the past 3 years (yes, 3 since Kevin was killed 24 days before his 24th birthday), taken fresh flowers and balloons.


Please God, make them remember that today is a special birthday.
Make them remember that the memories don't go away.
Bless them with ears to hear and hearts that care.
Enable them to listen while I share.
Shelter them that they may never know my pain.
Help them to help me know that my child's life was not in vain.
Help them to remember, Lord, that I wish my child was here
So we could celebrate. 
To understand that I still feel the nearness of my child.
To see beyond my smile and the words "I'm okay."
Please God, just let one remember today is a special birthday!

~Author Unknown~

Thank you for letting me share this...Today September 26, Kevin would have been 26 years old...yet he is still 23 because he is in Heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ...each holiday, birthday and special occasion is hard and painful but we get through it...again 
















PAGE ADDED ~ 11/10/04
PAGE UPDATED ~ 03/04/06