Missionary Speaking and Support Requirements
The Hendrickson Avenue Bible Church's
Missionary Council Guidelines
Granting Visiting Missionaries Permission to Speak

1.   The Missionary must be commissioned for service by a fundamental church. (Acts 13:1-3)

2.   The Missionary must have an oversight board for accountability and discipline purposes. The Apostle Peter was required to report back to the church at Jerusalem and the Apostle Paul answered to the elders at the church of Antioch in Syria. (Acts 11:1-18; 14:21-28)

3.   The Missionary must have an acceptable statement of faith. (Acts 2:42a; 2 Timothy 4:1-4)

4.   The Missionary must be in agreement with and willing to sign the HABC doctrinal position paper. (Acts 20:28-31; Ephesians 4: 11-15; 2 Peter 2:1-3)

5.   The Missionary should have an acceptable letter of introduction on church stationary from the pastor of a fundamental church of like precious faith. (Romans 16:1-2; 1 Corinthians 16:10-11)

6.   The Missionary should make his request to speak and submit all paperwork to this church at least two weeks prior to the date on which he wishes to speak so the Missionary Council has time to review the material and meet concerning it and that the missionary has time to review and respond to the HABC doctrinal position paper. If this is not possible then at the minimum the Missionary shall make himself available to meet with the Missionary Council representatives and the Pastor. (1 John 4:1; 1 Timothy 5:22)

Missionary Support Requirements

The following procedure needs to be followed in order to be approved for support:

- The applicant is required to submit a completed application for support to the Missionary Council Chairman at the mailing address found at the bottom of the page. Applications are available upon request.

- Following notification that the application has been approved, the applicant will be required to make an appointment to meet with the members of the Missionary Council for a personal interview.

- Should the interview prove fruitful as determined by the Missionary Council, the applicant will be required to present himself and family, if applicable, before the Church's congregation for their approval.

Note: The requirements for the applicant to meet with the Missionary Council members and presentation before the congregation may be waived where such meetings would impose an undue hardship on the applicant because of travel or financial restrictions. If such restrictions exist written notice of same must be submitted along with the completed application.

Should you have any questions concerning our approval procedures, please contact us using the address and telephone number given on this web site.