Drama links!

Interesting Convo about Ryan from Camillus / Solvay's living situation
Lesbian Hot Tub Love - Stevie Knicks & Justice
Ed aka Wannabe & Joey - hotel Orgy
Justice Compare to Mask (1985) Rocky Dennis
Scooby the Retard!
Stevie Knicks & 151
Stevie Knicks & Ed
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(PARTYLINER)-> DRAMA WEEKLY.... This is the section where Partyliner Dirt is posted. Stuff that is known or is wanted to be known. These should have an author who sent them to this site, however some info will be posted with no authors labeled as (By: Unknown)or left blank with no author name. Email submissions to Bratprince327@hotmail.com

Well Well Well, Guess what Brenda got her ass beat outside of club Karaoke in Buffalo this evening. It seems she decided to shove Michelle from Niagara falls so Michelle took her cellphone from her and then punched her a few times, smashed her head into a car window, and then punched her in the eyes a few more times, then in the head a few more times! Brenda didnt defend herself at all. So Michelle basically just got bored with it and left as Brenda cried and threatened to call the police. Seems to me Brenda for months said she could beat Michelle's ass and now she got her ass beat by her hmm she finally got what was coming to her a proper ass beating! Of course Brenda will probably deny it but I myself heard the 3way call to the bartender of Club Karaoke, and the 3 other witnesses who got on the phone from Michelle's house as well who all described the fight as well. Brenda claims to be so popular and good friends with the owner and bartenders at Club Karaoke, thats funny when we 3wayed them this evening that wasnt the story we all got in room 14! 8/25-8/26 (2005) BRENDA GOT HER ASS BEAT!!!!!

It's not hard to tell when that natural disaster known as Dark Angel is in town. But a 2:00am meeting between Savannah and the Dark One can have had only one result. Remember to ask Phantom 409 how Dark Angel tastes. Something Sweet almost met them, but when Dark Angel and Food stamp Tony went to the Laundromat, she snuck out the back and hid in the dumpster. Why is Melanie's husband so quick to want to call Phamtom 409 about Savannah's late night meeting with Dark Angel. Maybe its because he found-out that it wasn't lip gloss on her lips when she kissed him good morning. And why is it that as soon as Dark Angel came to central New York, no one has heard Wild Bill Hickok aka John on the party line. He had a lot of shit to say, yet when the time is here, he's nowhere to be found. Maybe he's one of the drunken roofers repairing Hardwood's house. Just drive-by and have a look for yourself. You gotta be drunk to have made repairs so that the roof looks like it does. (Aug 3rd, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

Stevie Nicks is now accepting applications for a boy toy who must put-up with her excessive drinking, share her girlfriends with her, play baby-sitter so she can visit various motel rooms in New York State and be able to change her adult diaper after her numerous heart attacks. (Aug 3rd, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

Pikachu's constant playing of religious music really flies in the face of her slutty ways. And as soon as Trey can get a ten dollar bill he will be able to attest to this personally. (Aug 3rd, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

Poor Anthony! Didn't have enough for any alcohol or cigarettes on his birthday. Claims that he enjoyed a cigar on his birthday. One wonders just how well he enjoyed this cigar, as I heard it was kinda like a Monica and Bill moment. Then again he was all alone, so it was just a Monica masterbation moment maybe? Why must he bring this blatant homosexuality to the Party line? (Aug 3rd, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

Franky has gained 8 pounds since you started reading this update. I guess that Swan's food really agrees with her. (Aug 3rd, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

Unique has finally found the source of that irritating vaginal odor. While taking a shower a used condom hit the bathtub floor. It was the same one she used to fuck Wannabee many, many moons ago. (Aug 3rd, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

GOSSIP CORRECTION: Earlier it was stated that, Tracy has stated that she is no longer bi-sexual and strictly clitly. Unless one brings change for a twenty dollar bill. (Aug 3rd, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

I can honestly say that this is not correct. One needs to bring change for a ten dollar bill. (Aug 3rd, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

Apparently, Foodstamp Tony is in denial concerning Justice's infidelity. One would think that finding Dark Angel's high school ring in her ass crack would have tipped something off. Aren't we all glad that the Partyline gene pool is still as shallow as we are led to believe? (Aug 3rd, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

Daddy has been discovered recently to have been dumped by Bridget, she explains that she found out he had sex with a guy while they were dating when he hooked up at the local gay club.. Now the real kicker is he begged her to be back with him for a week straight swearing that next time he hooked up with a guy if it happened she could watch. He also swore he loved her and never felt this way about any other girl. He cried over her answering machine and everything. Also sources tell us that he is currently working a minimum wage job. He claims to have been some sort of help desk tech support rep. yet he lives on the partyline and makes min. wage. Funny shit huh kids? Well Besides that seems he now has his sites set on Carlos from Niagara Falls. (Aug 1st, 2005 - By: The Lurker)

Stevie Nicks has once again confirmed that she is the quintessential Party line Pig. After Piggy Peggy denied her access to the vagina, Stevie proceeded to tell everyone that Nutra-Pig ate the pussy and found it to her liking. When asked if she returned the favor, she replied that Nutra-Pigs vagina is not meant for human consumption due to its unsavory odor. I believe that she compared the smell to hot garbage in 90 degree weather. The conversation then swerved to the infamous hot-tub incident (see lower Entries), whereupon she affirmed that not only did Justice also lick the cooch, but that Will (aka Joey) banged the shit out of her on the bathroom counter while Stevie watched in ecstasy. Apparently, Foodstamp Tony was/is in denial, and that is what prompted the also infamous claims of Justice being drugged. What makes matters worse, Justice came home and served Foodstamp a hot mouthful of Joey Goo, and the Onondaga County Sheriffs Department started an investigation (of the drug incident) so that Foodstamp could justify his denial of Justices infidelity. Arent we all glad that the Party line gene pool is as shallow as we are led to believe? (July 29th, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

Chad has returned to Syracuse, and since he couldnt get his penis cleaned by Something Sweet at the Laundromat, he was ever so grateful for Justices early morning strip tease (was Foodstamp really sleeping during all of this?) so that he could masturbate in Foodstamps coffee. As the song goes...They say hes just a friend, they say hes just a friend (July 29th, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

Tracy has stated that she is no longer bi-sexual and strictly clitly. Unless one brings change for a twenty dollar bill (July 29th, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

Brenda from Buffalo has lately been hating on anyone who gets more and better penis than her (which is just about anybody on the Part line other than her friend Bridget, who will fuck and suck for controlled substances). Her newest target happens to be Ares, and the focus is on whether on not Ares has better or worse living accommodations than Brenda. Aries has posted web cam pictures of his apartment to show that not only does he have a sense of style and flair, but also that his accommodations are as he says. Brenda has refused to issue said web cam pictures of her place for fear that she will accidently show Paul and the kids in sexually compromising positions. Is that Childrens Division knocking at her door? Savannah has lately been complaining to her beau Phamtom 409 that these days it is really hard to feed a family of four on two Subway sandwhiches an evening. The household is further troubled by Savannahs steadfast denial that Phantom 409 had Wannabees ex do a private penis inspection when Savannah was in the bathroom. (July 29th, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

And it is so hard to believe that Dark Angel and Food stamp Tony are really as well-off as they lead people to believe. How are you going to throw a party for all these broke-ass Party liners and have to charge admission? Maybe the party is just a charity event to pay Food Stamp Tony mothers bill at the nursing home so that she doesnt come back home and contest the illegal signature on the house transfer from her to her son. (July 29th, 2005 - By: Spotcheck)

Brenda is seeing some new guy while Paul is supposedly working under the table and Brenda defrauds the welfare system yet again for 594 a month in foodstamps. She seems to think its something to be proud of as she brags about it daily on the partyline. She thinks it is cool to wash her clothes in her bathtub and not be able to afford to even visit the laundrymat. 7/28/05

Crystal has admitted to having a crush on Trey however she will never get to act on it as Brenda has ordered told her she is not allowed to speak to him anymore, because she owns Crystal. Crystal is Brenda's puppet and she will always follow Brenda because Brenda is giving her 50 foodstamps a month allowance to be a good little phoneslut! 7/28/05

Chad is visiting Syracuse area he is finally gonna smack Foodstamp Tony and get him to send dirty Debbie packing after beating her head in and making her ugly Rocky Dennis face look a little better. 7/28/05

Now it seems Devine and Natalie arent going to be dating now, seems Devine is now swing more towards the male gendar with a 58 year old man whom he is seeing secretly on the DL who lives in Liverpool, he met him in CB and the man is Paying Devines bills in exchange for Devines ass being on Tap 24/7, I guess Devines Anal retention has finally started to become a thing of the past. 7/28/05

Joleene is still trying to find out who the father of her baby is, she seems to be trying to do one mass paternity test on Maury Povich, Seems he wont book her though due to weight limitations to the stage itself. Also, fire code prohibits that many men from being backstage in the green room at one time, while awaiting results. 7/28/05

It has been found out that Daddy was a few years ago accused of the child molestation of a 6 year old boy and if the boys' mother had not washed the young boys underwear before the court date, Daddy would be in jail right now. However Tide washed away the only physical evidence in case. Now Daddy is again stalking the playgrounds of Rochester to find more young boys for his dungeon of sexual domination of children! His own family doesnt even trust him around the little boys in his family anymore. 7/28/05

By his own admission Daddy is a Metro sexual and for anyone who is familiar with Ricki Lake this term is another term for bisexual guys who are not comfortable with admitting full out bisexuality lifestyles yet will admit to having sex with men. He admits to having been the anal reciever for numerous men on wild drunken nights at some of Rochesters gay bars. He is also into a scene called Leather Daddies which is where he gets his partyline name, plus he likes to be fisted. 7/28/05

Fieri has sent $1500 to Megan from the Bronx, to come visit for a week, now she seems to want to move in with him and all the while supposedly to be with him, yet all she pissed off because Divine wont get with her. 6/28/05 -A.Non.N.Mous

Mellow has had sexual relations with Maddog's woman, seems Mellow hit a nerve as Maddog vows death to Mellow..... Stay tuned. 6/28/05 -A.Non.N.Mous

Natalie and Jeremy were together about 3 yrs, seems they recently broke up, however they still live together and now Natalie is on to trying to get with Divine, rumor has it she is going to bring him to her house to sleep with him while Jeremy is there too. Who knows maybe Jeremy and Divine will hook up with her and get a 3way as they are both bisexual.. 6/28/05 -A.Non.N.Mous

Jolene is secretly in talks with Jeremy, looking to spawn yet another partyliner child, isnt one enough for her? We'll keep you posted! 6/28/05 -A.Non.N.Mous

Once again Barcardi tries to get her hooks into another man and lost him to a real woman, it seems her goal of trying to get with all the men she phone bones has failed yet one more time. Divine has moved on with Natalie, and she is left behind. 6/28/05 -A.Non.N.Mous

Trey is fastly developing a crush on Pinecone. Lately he bounces from room to room frantically searching for him for hours on end until he either finds him or passes out from whatever drug he is on that night. 6/28/05 -A.Non.N.Mous

It seems Pinecone has outdone himself this time, announcing his new demo cut with Outcast. He says he owes all his success to all the little people of the partyline. Haha 6/28/05 ~By: The Lurker

Noxima and Jamie aka Jay from Fulton/Bob, split up he is on to the younger twinks of Fulton now. However George his roomate did get on the Line the other night and spell out their relationship and living arrangements. George is a Middle aged man, and Jamie/Jay/Bob doesnt work, has no income, and his family is dirt poor. Well Jamie has been living with George for quite some time for nothing rent free, he doesnt clean or cook, he just gives oral services and sometimes George takes anal favors with Jamies hind quarters. All and all Jamie is basically milking this older man for a place to stay and food to eat and some sex when he cant get any from the local toothless population of Fulton... 6/28/05 ~By: Spotcheck

Dirty Debbie secretly has a crush on Piggy Peggy, it seems its a long standing one at that. Debbie now after allowing Tony to get his nut off, and roll over and fall asleep, sneaks into the bathroom and fingers herself to a picture she prints off the internet of Piggy Peggy! 6/28/05 ~By: Spotcheck

Rumor has it Tony/Foodstamp's main squeeze Justice is back to her old tricks, secretly meeting with wayward lesbians at Syracuse's Fine Establishment Club 950.. Seems Debbie was spotted licking the bouncer Ms. Betty Rotunda's Snatch in the backroom a couple weeks ago. Justice dear we know you are ugly but I mean cant you do better than someone whos face looks like a giant pizza and their body is that of a hot air balloon? 6/28/05 ~By: Aries

Daddy announces his metrosexuality is really just a code word for being a big ol bottom bitch boy. Meaning he likes big dicks and alot of them in his ass. His new sexual target is Dark Angel. 6/28/05 ~By: Aries

Brenda has of lately been Charged with animal cruelity, seems she recently visited a friends house and in the middle of the night was found legs spread ass in the air, hand around her back forcing the poor little pooch to ride her.. Gives to meaning to the words Doggy Style. 6/28/05 ~By: The Lurker

Well, now I have heard everything first this one is the father and now that one is the father and now some gay guy friend of Forplay's is the father? Seriously, You have to wonder who seriously would put their dick in Jolene, have you seen her picture, I am wondering if it is emaculate conception?.. 6/28/05 ~By: The Lurker

Stevie Nicks, Nutra-Pig, Justice and Jodie all tried to gang-up on each other but decided that it was better to eat pussy and make-up. The down-side is that they have caused Joey (aka Will) to increase his Viagra dosage to alarming levels. (By: Lurker ~ May 26th 2005)

Move over Daddy, Aries is in town. When in reference to either Daddy or Garrett, the response is the same (Pot-bellied Porker). And why is it that all of the Hangers seem to want to know how Joe tastes? Maybe it is that he does not fear the Web Cam Hanger Shots. (By: Lurker ~ May 26th 2005)

Is it me, or as each new picture of Venus is posted she seems to grow larger each and every time. Be careful Venus, the Blueberry Girl in Willie Wonka almost exploded. (By: Lurker ~ May 26th 2005)

DYD (aka Melissa) finally put Wannabee to the curb and moved in with Unique. It seems childish that a man with as many claimed resources as his that he would be able to afford American Idol Tickets. You took away her chance of possibly being noticed, of being a star. Just think, if you bought the tickets you may never had to again buy her raw fish and adult diapers. My bad, she needed lubrication and you needed the diapers. Phantom 409’s child looks nothing like the mother (Savannah). Except for the sideburns. (By: Lurker ~ May 26th 2005)

The Buffalo Party had low attendance but good people. Especially on the part of Brenda. She brought a lot of good food and encouraged everyone to eat. Some people complained that the hotel rooms were never made available, but hey; how far do you think the Benefit Card can be extended. (By: Lurker ~ May 26th 2005)

Brenda has been sighted in the farm fields just outside Buffalo, she was pillaging her sister cows milk and eatting the pigs feed. She has admitted its better than the food that was served at the most recent partyline party. ~May 24th 2005~ (By: The Lurker)

Jamie/Jay from Fulton/Bob, has recently broken up with his girlfriend, and since has hooked up with a new sugar daddy partyliner (Guess who?) Well it is rumored that this sugar daddy has trouble on the DL with his own "husband" seems the husband has found out about this little arrangement and is a bit pissed off at the fact that Jamie is recieving all the sexual attention. The "oral exams" if you will. A few people have heard drunken moments of spilled personal life information about Jamie being with this person. Hmmm again can you guess who??? ~ May 24th 2005 ~ (By: The Lurker)

Trey has agreed to have sexual intercourse with Aries if Aries could get him hard within 3 minutes. Trey has to give Aries some oral favors. ~May 24th 2005~ (By: The Lurker)

April 23rd, at about 5:35 pm, Hardwood was seen copping a feel from an underage Top's employee, using his standard Seeing-Eye dog routine to be assisted throughout his Top's shopping experience. His walking cane was mysteriously missing as he rounded aisle 3. (By: Spotcheck - April 28th 2005)

Joe/Joker also said Cock tastes just like chicken tenders!!!! He loves it with Chocolate sauce. When told it was being put up here, he started trying to hide it afterwards but I heard it all. And sent this to Aries email. (By: Spotcheck! April 25th 2005)

Joe / Joker asked if he could blow Aries in room 18 this morning at 3:19am. He kept asking how big Aries dick was as well.. When questioned about it he said he would be gay for Aries in a drop of a dime. (By: Spotcheck! April 25th 2005)

Hey "DA Boo!!" Now that you quit drinking what do you really think of Cassandra?? (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

Wow Johnny Hacker is pretending he is the creator, like he is someone special or something. He can barely create his own piles of shit let alone anything of worth. (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

Hey Chad aka Dark Angel, whatever happened to Jerry Lynn, your ex-wife who used to support you and pay your bills??? (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

Boy with a name like Johnny Hacker on the Partyline, its awful to have a real name like Stanley!! (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

WARNING, Alert, Warning Johnny Hacker now has a computer, lets just hope he doesnt forget to the Rent Way bill, because now Gypsy wont send him anymore money! (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

Johnny Hacker was working for a food pantry called Chow, which is in Binghamton, it was to work off his welfare grant. Also he had been calling the partyline and Gypsy via calling cards at the payphones. She was apparantly providing him with money and the actual calling cards to help support his Partyline addiction. (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

(Jeez Johnny what happened to all that money you supposedly hacked away from people before, hmmm makes you wonder if he really is a hacker or just a phone thug who talks smack and knows a few little Phone Phreaker Tricks.) "I guess you learned well on the Utah huh Johnny Wannabe" (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

For all of you curious Partyliners who were wondering why there is such a blistering hate-fest between Natasha and Bacardi it goes like this: Apparently it was set-up for the two to meet, and when that momentous occasion happened, Bacardi slipped Natasha the Dirty Sanchez. I guess that I would also be angry after shit-sniffing a fat Partyliner whose wiping habits are questionable. (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

Although it has been two and a half months since the infamous drunken Valentines Day incident at Mom's (Piggy Peggy's) house, Nutra-Sweet is still stalking Will. Some claim that it is love, but others feel that it is because she wants to find-out how Mom (Piggy Peggy) tastes. (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

Wannabee has publicly claimed that he is undecided as to who he genuinely cares for. It seems that he still secretly contacts Rachel from Moravia to better his chances on her being his Soul-Mate for life. It is also publicly speculated that this is not as he says; rather, he just wants to know how Problem Child tastes. "Free Willy!" (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

Justice has been contacted by Rocky Dennis to see if she will star in his new movie, Sister of the Mask. Sandra Bernhard has been mentioned to play Cher's original role. And all Food Stamp aka Tony Messina has to say is Pimpin ain't easy! (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

Can you guess which Fulton Partyliner leaves the Subway delivery person with a .70 cent tip? A person who claims that they are of such financial means must either be broke or incredibly cheap. Especially when they try to beg for the Two for Tuesday deal on Thursday. (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

How is it that in all of Johnny Hacker's photographs he is seen to wear a lot of Bling, yet he has to go to the public library to get computer access. Does the Clark Street Crack house still have wiring problems? mon Chad, send the boy some money. He wouldn't be in this position if you hadn't snitched on him. (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

It's been rumored that Pinecone may be subpoenaed to Wayne County Family Court for possible paternity issues. Maybe cloning isn't the only way to produce sheep. (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

It's been a week and Mom's (Piggy Peggy's) suicide watch continues. (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

Nutra-Sweet has been heard to publicly berate Will because she is fed-up with getting drunk and waking up with that sushi taste in her mouth. She would rather have that Italian taste that only a Mom can create. (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

And on that note, Chuck aka God is still broke. Contributions can be sent to the NYS Sales Tax Department. (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

Our boy Johnny Hackers Jail exploits have been found out as he was known as the prison bitch, washing the black guys underwear in the prison sinks. Also, he was known as the pass around bitch to many of the numerous ring leaders of the black community within the prison. These services of his were provided to keep him in the safe "in" crowd. Rumor has it he looks pretty sexy in high heels and looks kinda like a real bitch in a dress. (By: Unknown April 23rd, 2005)

Also in his pictures the jewelery he was wearing was known to be a friends and not his own, its pretty sad when you have to borrow the next mans bling bling to impress someone in a picture! (By: Unknown April 21st, 2005)

Well well well, it's funny how during Chad aka Dark Angel's sex-capades here in New York, he was known to have given several females herpes including Rebecca, Savannah, Peppermint Patty, Lisa/Pocahontes, The Firm, Heather From Binghamton, Rusty, Shower Girl, Tabby, and the reason Chad left New York in such a hurry was that Preya the Elephant died of herpes after a chance meeting with Chad aka Dark Angel at the Rosemond Gifford Zoo. In compensation Chad's father has been sending Monthly Prescriptions of Valtrex and Financial support to the victims. Also, an edition to the zoo is in the works via donation from Chad's father.. (By: Unknown April 21st, 2005)

Dark Angel was known to have Ratted out Johnny Hacker as well in the past due to some Illegal Federal Activities. It seems Johnny can blame his anal elastic hole on Dark Angel as Johnny only knew how to be someones bitch to survive in State Prison! (By: Unknown April 21st, 2005)

Rumor has it Justice on her return court trips to Buffalo, is still going out for drinks and after dinner sex with her EX Jaden. (By: Unknown April 21st, 2005)

Melissa aka DYD has recently stolen mortgage money from Savannah's mother and now Savannah's mother is being evicted from her home due to lack of payment. The money was reportedly stolen to prove Melissa aka DYD with some more snack cakes, and raw fish, as Wannabe/Ed has not been feeding Melissa her fair share of the Raw fish! (By: Unknown April 21st, 2005)

Pinecone is said to be making a return to upstate new york for his annual whos gonna suck my dick in the parking lot picture contest. Last years winner Booty Macy has vowed a strong showing this year! (By: Unknown April 21st, 2005)

Spring is in the air, and Winnie Da Pooh is doing the in-house separation thing. She says that it is for the children, but we think that she is just afraid of having to divide the vibrators with her husband. Genuine aka Andy has been sniffing around her panties, but he is afraid to be the other man and have to reveal that he also wears womens undergarments. By: Unknown - April 19th 2005

Wannabee has decided to purchase the big truck with a cab and a half. He wants a built-in sleeper and hot tub so that he does not have to rent another apartment. Imagine that, 672 pounds of Party-Liner on wheels, in a hot tub and the possibility that you may wake-up with this sight in your driveway. Free Willy! By: Unknown - April 19th 2005

Justice has promised Food Stamp that she will remain with him at least until October. She figures that walking around the house will save money on Halloween decorations. By: Unknown - April 19th 2005

Seduction is still arguing with Pinecone over the lack of Child Support. She claims that all of those bags of empty cans and bottles he left last year is just not enough. By: Unknown - April 19th 2005

No one can seem to agree on how big Nikki is. In a ten minute period she went from 130 pounds to 180 pounds. Kinda like the blueberry girl from the Willie Wonka movie. Can you say Oompa Loompa.. By: Unknown - April 19th 2005

Possible Pinecone and Alisha Hookup/Marriage in the works! Yet she has warned everyone saying he was a sexual predator and has read newspaper articles on the partyline to other people about his Child Molesting exploits, but now she seems to be in "LOVE"!! By: Unknown - April 19th 2005

Joey aka Will was offered 2,000 bucks to move in and go gay with some guy in Tonawanda NY so he can be closer to Stevie Knicks and have more parties with their new gay friend. Joey has to give and recieve oral gratification! By: Unknown - April 19th 2005

Joey has admitted to Nutra-Sweet that he only speaks to Peggy aka Ma now because she is threatening to kill herself and her kids! Peggy and Nutra Sweet have gone several rounds over the Partyline about Nutra-Sweet living with Joey. By: Unknown - April 19th 2005

Tommy aka Mr. Who me's Pregnant Girlfriend has moved out on him and sent him packing!! By: Unknown - April 19th 2005

Daddy has admitted to being on welfare now, since he moved out of his mommies house. So now public assistance is paying for him, since he is on the partyline day and night, and he admits he doesn't have a job. By: Unknown - April 19th 2005

151 aka Smokey has admitted to being able to orally pleasure himself. By: Unknown

Tony aka foodstamp got a new set of hairplugs to replace his old raggy ones that Justice attempted to rip out during his last beating on her. Which led to the sex exploits at the hotel with Ed, Joey and Stevie Knicks that fateful night. April 5, 2005

ED aka Wannabe is getting Married on the DL to DYD aka Melissa. Savannah slated to be maid of honor and Joey aka Will is to be best man. (Reception to be held at marine land! lol) April 5, 2005

Savannah is not just fat, she is pregnant! April 5, 2005

Stevie Knicks found the man of her dreams and is settling down so now you will all have to keep dreaming. April 5, 2005

Scooby has something in common with Jesus, he was turned away from the Oxford inn, and now has a new account at the North Syracuse food pantry, he variated the spelling of his last name, and has it listed as a family of 6 to make up for the past few months of not getting food. April 5, 2005

Scooby also was molested by his mothers boyfriend, in the past and he just got released from prison and now our little Scooby boy is hiding in fear from the big black penis.

Scooby forged his mothers signature on the application to Family planning/Hardship to get a voucher to get a security deposit for a new apartment. This is now the second time he has commited this act. April 5, 2005

When Scooby was in high school he was counciled for wearing his moms underwear and bra in gym class, and was reported for psychological evaluation.

Scooby got arrested recently for unlawful possession of a penis, with intent to swallow! April 5, 2005

***----***----*** Prior DRAMA below ***----***----***

Well if you all haven't heard Justice and Stevie-Knicks Diked it out in a hot tub recently. Justice then had sex with Joey aka Will, and Ed aka Wannabe in a hotel. She "claims" she was slipped a rufie aka (Date rape drug- which makes a person forget what they did and makes them unable to move or partake in sexual activity willingly) Funny the pictures I saw show her walking around and partaking in it just fine. Also note that Dark Angel and Tony came to her defense saying she had a toxicology report done on her. Dark Angel is supposed to know soooo much about the medical field but yet if he really knew what he claims he would know that a toxicology report is only done when a person is dead. A tox screening would have been done not a toxicology report as they claim. So yet again their story if full of holes.

She also made an official police report to the Syracuse police saying that same thing, once it was found out by the partyline. She is a known compulsive liar and a nasty pig!

Some of these pictures have been posted hinting at the goings on. (By: Unknown)

Dark Angel also claims so much medical knowledge but when asked a simple question of what a Myocardial infraction was in a room, he claimed it had something to do with the spine and spinal column. Any first year medical student would know a myocardial infraction is the latin words for heart attack. After being called out and proven to be a moron he tried to turn it around and make it sound like he said thats what it was and I was wrong. (By: Aries)

However, everyone knows Dark Angel is a moron and a compulsive liar and his little exploits of having sex with fat girls on the partyline are well known. If he was as rich and as well off as he claims he would not be meeting people off the partyline and having sex with the fat girls. Why would you fly to New York just for sexual exploits when you live in California, its kinda funny for someone sooo rich to have to come to a totally different state just to get some fat girl sex. (By: Aries)

Scooby was recently evicted from his home on Church Street in Syracuse NY due to a partyliner calling his landlord and saying he was going to call the police for his underage daughter being served Alcohol. Scooby was served and eviction notice the same day. (By: Unknown)

Scooby now seems to think he can have my page shut down because I put info about him on this site, he fails to realize I use nothing but partyline names which I do not use real (Full names) as to not break any laws. He also made several threats tonight 3/28/05 saying he was going to kill me, and also kill Joey aka Will and God aka Chuck for insulting him and crossing him. What a loser huh? He told me he will be contacting the FBI tomorrow about my site... You have to love mentally handicapped people. Also, he made a statement saying, "I wasn't evicted for serving minors, call my old landlord and ask, I was evicted because I wanted to be, I asked him to.. [Who gets evicted because they ask to be? GOD you gotta love morons huh?] (By: Aries)

Joleen aka Prego aka Blow-leen, is pregnant and still does not know who the father is. She is dating a man who lives in Buffalo NY over the phone and she lives in Fulton. They have never seen pictures of each other nor have they met in person. She blocks her call waiting so no one can prank her while she is on the phone day and night with her new phone man. She does not work and lives with her mommy and is on welfare. (By: Unknown)