Interesting Convo from Ryan from Camillus/Solvay's Last Landlord!

Below is a Chat room convo dated 5-14-05 time: 10:30pm - 10:49pm, It is Ryan from Camillus aka Ryan from Solvay's most recent landlord. Here is what he had to say!

Duo Animus: wanna know what ur good buddy Ryan did beofre he & his dirtbag BF moved out?

Duo Animus: they punched a dozen or so holes int he walls (with poles & fists), dumped the dirty litter box iont he bedroom, turned all the heaters on 80, left the back door wide open, poured all their spices all over the carpets, and left tons

Duo Animus: of trash everywhere

Duo Animus: karma is soooo gonna bite them int he ass

Duo Animus: oh yeah, they also left rotten food int he kitchen & cat food in the sinks

Duo Animus: so, the next time u see them, remember what wonderful, clean, civil people they are

Duo Animus: whats the point? they didn't pay 3 months rent whent hey lived here

Duo Animus: didn't pay any utilities

Duo Animus: ruined the ceiling above my downstairs kitchen

Duo Animus: and sue them for what? their foodstamps?

Duo Animus: theya re always preching about good karma & how people screw them over yada yada yada

Duo Animus: now I see it is all the "victim" act

Duo Animus: i bought this house mainly because of the 2nd apartment too... all because of ryan... and how does that lazy prick repay me

Duo Animus: By shitting on me, and now, i am not renting it out again


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