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~*~ Pictures ~*~

*** Orlando with Andrew ***

Our next destination was Orlando to visit Grant's old college roommate, Andrew. We played in Disney by day and partied in downtown Orlando by night. Silly me forgot the camera when we went to Disney, but here are some pictures from the rest of the visit.

Meet Andy, the nicest guy in the world. Thanks so much for entertaining us, we had a blast.

Andy's friends. Or maybe he just met them? Who knows... everyone is soooo friendly in Florida!

Yummy banana drinks... and they were ONLY a buck. We took advantage of this Wednesday night special.

Cheers to old times!

Andy and the ladies. These girls were actually friends of his...
but of course I totally forgot their names, sorry!

Thank you to the guy who took this pic,
although it took him forever to figure out how to use the camera, haha.

Got beads?

The Beer Belly Brewery, drink beer - get lucky... that says it all.

Orlando has an awesome downtown nightlife.
This picture was taken at 3am on a Wednesday night in Church Street Market.

Next set of pics...