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I feel very lucky and privileged to have some of the coolest friends in the world. Some I have known my entire life, and some I have met over the last few years. All are great people - most of which I consider true friends. This page is dedicated to them...

John Niss, me, & Grant

Mom & Dad... You've put up with my crazy self for all these years. Thank you for always being there. I love you both very much.
Chris... I couldn't have asked for a better brother. You're a very special person in my life and always will be.
Grant... You have my heart. You are my soul-mate and best friend. Thank you for being in my life and making it complete. Love you always and forever.
Maria & Val... You've been my best friends since the 3rd grade. We've been through a lot over the years and we'll always be close, despite the distances between us.
Rich D... You're like a brother to me, um... well, sometimes like a Dad actually. Honestly though, you've been a wonderful & supportive friend and I'm very grateful.
Mindy & Dana... You girls are like sisters to me. VA Beach will never be forgotten!! We've shared some great times & long talks. I'm sure they'll be many more of both.
Rhonda... My girl. Thank you for taking care of me in my times of need. I'll never forget our NYC adventures - the original three muskateers.
Andy... Let's see, we've been best buds for 7 years now? And we've shared some great conversations over those years. Thanks for giving me the "guy's perspective" on things.
Zane, Tracy, Eric, Chris, Jon, Joanna, Jen G, & the rest of the IBM gang... You guys are the best. Thanks for constantly dealing with my "endless" invitations to go see a band every weekend.
The Boys of Phillip the Meatbox - Paul, Mark, Jon, Chris, Mike, and of course Rich D... Thank you for years of entertainment and enjoyment. I look forward to many more. Good luck to Larry & Jason - who are never forgotten.
The Boys of Where's Grant - Grant, Gary, Rob, & Al... You guys are great. Lots of fun times had already and many more to come.
The Boys of Aisle*Nine - Andrew, Steve, Dan, & JJ... To a super bunch of guys - I wish you tons of success in the years to come. Keep on performing, and we'll keep on supporting.
The Boys of Flash '56 - Mike... You have the talent, drive, & determination to take your band far, and I wish you the best of luck. Had a blast at all the Elbow Room shows, can't wait for more.
The Boys of the Gap Club... Who knows how to throw a better party?!?! You guys are always a blast to be around. Already counting down the days 'till next year's bash...
Dana, Mindy, Erin, Hillary, & Tammy... The "WG girls". Without you, the gigs would be so boring! Thank you for making my weekends exciting & eventful. Luv you mi amigas.
John Niss, Kristen, Pete, Jimi, & Liz... You guys awesome. You make the shows a ton of fun. Niss, you're the only other person I know who will go & support 4 bands in one weekend - gotta love that.
Becky & Jaime... My DFP pals and favorite couple! You both have a love of music that I admire so much. I'm so glad to have made such great friends.
Big Billy G, Andrew, & Eric... What can I say? You guys are awesome - no lie. True friends. And Billy - good luck with Bootleg, you have tons of support already.
Bobby, Ed, & Joe... My three surrogate brothers and partyin' pals. Thank you guys for always knowing how to have a great time and for always making me laugh & laugh.
Karyn & Andrew... My Buffalo friends. Can't wait to see you both real soon. I'll always remember living like Rock Stars in the 'Presidential Suite' in NYC that night! What a blast.
Joy, Connie, & Carly... My fellow local band supporters. I'll never forget that crazy night up in Albany with PTM. See you guys at the shows.
Karen, Annie, & Jen... Our newest friends at all the shows. And like us, you love to take pics! So glad we met ya's.
And finally, lastly but certainly not least, Budweiser & Molson... My two little roomies. Without them, Grant's clothes would be free of cat hair :-)

Grant & Jennie

Gary & Erin

Rob & Mindy

Jaime & Becky

Jeff & Hillary

Mindy, Jennie, Erin, & Hillary

Mindy, Dana, & Jennie

Jennie, Paul, Dana, Mark, & Mindy.

Grant, Dana, Jennie, & Rich D

Mr Gary Sweeney himself, the one & only John Gilmore, and the adorable Andy Freeman

Grant & Jennie

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