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~*~ Pictures ~*~

~*~ The Jennie, Mindy, & Dana Page ~*~

Ok... So I'll be really vain and dedicate this entire page to the three of us...

Just us...

Jennie & Dana - we're close friends :-)

Jennie & Mindy - yup, real close - haha.

Three amigas.

We're so happy.

WG Angels... yeah, right.

Trouble Threesome.

Look - no one's even getting burned by the cigs, now that's talent.

Valentine's Day Party at Sweeneys.

Us with friends...

Hangin' with some PTM boys.

Partying with Fred Durst.

Our pal Danno.

We luv ya Billy!

Gary... Sweeney's finest - we miss you!! :-(

Our sis-n-law, Trish...

...And our brother Bob.