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~*~ More Useless Stuff About Me ~*~

Here are some lists I created....

My Top 10 Favorite Movies:

1. Goodfellas
This has got to be the best gangster movie ever made, no question. It has all the elements... DeNiro, Pesci,... with Scorcese directing. How could you go wrong with that? With outstanding acting & directing, this film is 'hands down' my #1 flick of all time.
2. Seven
The 'darkness' and 'dreariness' of this film has such an appeal to me. It's an intense thriller on every level. And of course, who can forget the final scene... not your typical happy ending by any means.
3. Usual Suspects
The twists and turns in this movie are unreal. A brillant performance by Kevin Spacey. And again, a surprise ending that leaves the audience stunned.
4. Godfather
This is Francis Ford Coppola's epic masterpiece depicting the rise and fall from power of the Corleone family, and the passage of rites from father to son. This is a movie that everyone needs to see, at least once.
5. Godfather II
Again, an outstanding epic directed by Coppola. Two stories are being told... the roots and rise of a young Don Vito, played with uncanny ability by Robert De Niro, and the ascension of Michael (Al Pacino) as the new Don. This is probably, in my opinion, the best sequel ever made.
6. Fargo
This is a dark comedy directed by the outstanding team of... the Coen Brothers. Superbly written, acted, and directed, I can see this movie again and again and still enjoy every minute of it.
7. Swingers
This independent film has me laughing from beginning to end. I'm not a huge fan of comedies, but the dialogue in this film is hysterical.
8. Pope of Greenwich Village
I just love this movie. Eric Roberts' interactions with Mickey Rourke are amusing to watch. For a very entertaining 2 hours, I highly recommend this flick.
9. Once upon a time in America
This is another outstanding film starring Robert DeNiro. It's over 3 hours long, but still able to keep your attention from beginning to end. It's an incredible movie supported by an incredible cast.
10. Silence of the Lambs
What more can be said about this suspenseful thriller? It won the oscars for Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Actress. Certainly Anthony Hopkins at his finest.
** Honorable Mention: Raging Bull... An absolutely brilliant performance by Robert DeNiro.

My Top 10 Favorite TV Shows:

1. Seinfeld
2. The Sopranos
3. The Osbournes
4. Friends
5. Law & Order (all 3)
6. MTV's The Real World
7. Sex & The City
8. Ally McBeal
9. CSI
10. Frasier

My Top 10 Actors/Actresses:

1. Robert DeNiro
2. John Turturro
3. Michael Rapaport
4. Benicio Del Toro
5. Kevin Spacey
6. Angelina Jolie
7. Natalie Portman
8. Robert Downey Jr.
9. Eric Roberts
10. Mickey Rourke
** Honorable Mention: Steve Buscemi

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